Friday, 9 December 2016

+69 8th December council meeting Skate Park
Video of council talking on skate park

Sunday, 20 November 2016

+048 Really no formal submission process 2017?!
South Waikato council has decided not to have formal submissions from the public 2017

The new Mayor Shattock has meet the community as an informal process 30 minutes before all council meeting (except citizen ceremony agenda council meetings) but suspended formal submission process for 2017.

If you disagree then who is higher up than the mayor? Minister of local government for a commissioner appointed to replace CEO Hobbs for suggesting it and a Commissioner because full council accepted it.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

+046 South Waikato Council opens up to the public

Press here to watch the video

First up was and introduction by Mayor Sinclair

Next was Bruce Simpson on the air port matter of drone flying

Then Bern HOBBS on a power rebate for the citizens of south waikato needs be lobbied for by council

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

+045 days since polls closed and Mayor Shattock and her 40% new council was elected.

New reigns.

South Waikato council meetings has a trial of full council sitting doing down with the community in a forum to get a heads up. 

No community board for Tokoroa but crowded 30 minutes once every three weeks (except if their is a citizen ceremony and then it's 6 week gap) for 14,000 to engage.

The local government commission was newly appointed membership when it came to the appeal over the representation review. Newbies and did not force south waikato to have a community board for Tokoroa. 

So if you feel the 30 minutes is inadequate once in three weeks then tell the New Mayor and 60% councillorship, who voted down over a decade of representation review for a community board, that they are wrong and need to support a community board under Mayor Shattock leadership. 

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

+044 Ready for 17 November 2016 Council Meeting with public forum 9.30am-10am council chambers Torphin Crescent Tokoroa

It's been 44 days it's the election and it's time to get back into the swing of regular meetings that happen every three weeks in the first one we had the swearing in of counsellors and this one is D settled and meeting.

Go to the south Waikato page for council and look up meeting agenda for 17 November of go to the south Waikato page for council and look up meeting agenda for 17 November 2016 

In the past 20 days I have been concentrating on the American election of Donald Trump.

How's this will affect South Waikato will be something that will un fold over the next eight years. 

We still have 60 days or so to go over for your the new president to take office.

TPPA. Is off the table and leaves $20 trillion of crumb and rolls in New Zealand is hands.

The earthquake that has happened in the South Island is probably more devastating in the first two in Christchurch.

South Waikato has become one of the safest place to live in New Zealand. And in the world. New Zealand is one of the safest places to live on the planet which means that South Waikato is not only a safe place to live but it's also super safe on a planet scale away from the coast and seas full of waves crashing on the shore. 

Vote day

Are all signs down.

Sunday, 30 October 2016

+025 visit council for change

The council is inviting community to consult with them. 

I knew broom sweeps clean. 

But the first meeting when into public excluded. 

My question is what is so important that the public have to be excluded from the road are fears. 

Also public excluded should be the first item on the agenda so when the public turn up they were inconvenienced by being sent out of the room and then the meeting is open again to public in the public come back in. 

It may sound counter intuitive however having public excluded at the end of the meeting encourages and the wards the council to continue doing public excluded meetings. 

Knigga must council going to public excluded just to clear the public gallery that is not what public excluded is for.

Also public excluded for discussing financial one has to ask are the parties concerned that important to our district they would exclude the public from that discussion

Contactor elected member and tell them that are public excluded once a year is okay and safe all at the public explain it to that one point in that way those groups that are benefiting from public excluded may realise it supported when I have to wait a whole year before they get their hearing behind close doors. 

Contact elected members now. 

Tell him how you feel or turn up half an hour before 10 o'clock and teller council directly.  

Thursday, 27 October 2016

+024 swdc council meeting Mayor Shattock at first meeting

Come and have your say before full council at 9.30am on council meeting day three weekly meetings as discussed (Novemeber 2016 - May 2017)

The video explains it in 9 minutes.

Cr Bill Machen seconded the Motion of Cr Geoff Gash amendments to accept Mayor Shattocks new trial approach of releasing the pressure of community not having access to council decision without the staff standing in the way with arms folded and a grimissed look on a beuracratic face.

No community board but a half our cup of tea and cake. The community on seeing the council will say "let them eat cake"

Otherwise the community just takes matters to the Governor General and Cabinet and floor of Parliament. The he council must listen to the community or central government will listen instead and demand council listens.


+021 bylaws swdc (<-click here to watch the video)

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

+020 Karanga (calling on)
Video above of the opening ceremony

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

+019 opening ceremony video and Mayor Shattock
Press above to watch video of opening ceremony 
Mayor elect

Waists group
CEO and Mayor
Full house
Returning Wendy cook
Highest polling candidate

Elected members being called on

Mayor elect enters chamber 

South waikato council

+018 new council on video (40 seconds)

South Waikato District Council
Tirau community board (left two and far right one) Myor Shattock Centre and Councilor from Tirau ward

Monday, 24 October 2016

+017 South Waikato New Zealand after polling day

Only half a day till the New Mayor is sworn in? And the Council too?

7pm in the Chambers tonight in Torphin Crescent in the counci building opposite the Warehouse.

Welcome to came and watch.

What is news in the district

The Tirau sheep for sale. With the council buy them?

Thursday, 20 October 2016

+012 public invited to meet new face of council

Tuesday, 25 October 2016 commencing at 7 PM

Who's been elected let's look at the numbers. 
Mayor. Jenny Shattock 3,284 votes.

See you at the first meeting in Chambers Torphin Crescent

Monday, 17 October 2016

+010 Deputy Mayor Announced

A new deputy mayor announced. Jeff Gash
And Mayor Shattock used the new rules from central Government to place Jeff Gash in a deputy.

The case could be made that three years ago Jeff Gash would be Deputy Mayor over Cr Jenny Shattock going on the public votes and highest polling candidate.

With a twist if fate Bill Machen gained higher votes than Jeff Gash in 2016.

It was like a passing manuvior on the high way where Cr Shattock retained deputy 2013 to then go into Mayor 2016 and Jeff Gash gets deputy not in 2013 but 2016. 

So a new look council with an old voting result and the public can rest easy that it has spoken Central Government.

I do not the chicken coup is empty of 47 council car night after night out the back of My Torphan crescent and Cr Bill Machen still want to cage those costly bad PR council cars flapping all over the place on private business of staff.

With a 50,000km replacement policy on each car owned by the council why should half those kilometres be run up on private business. 

I say keep the cars for 15 years and let the staff drive the oldest first. No depreciation buying new.

Friday, 14 October 2016


The three power brokers
Mayor Shattock, Cr Bill Machen, Cr Jeff Gash.

It's been a week now and I congratulated Cr Jeff Gash for his return.

What flashed across Jeff's face was relief and triumph.

Elections give that range of emotions.

Like a fresh feeling after a spring downfall of rain and you know the grass is growing fast.

But Bill got slightly more votes on the Tokoroa Ward over Jeff.

Thursday, 13 October 2016


Mayor Elect Jenny Shattock at the first debate in Putaruru Club
Mayoral Candidate 2016 Tracey Deane at Putaruru Club first debate

Are 635 voting papers, with out selecting a Mayoral pick, normal and natural with 6,000 (44%) of electable vote cast?


Still no word on the time table of elected members induction.

The public voted the people in and want to see the next three years. 

Council staff are being gate keepers

The CEO Criag Hobbs is not being transparent

Where is our invitation to follow the public swearing in?

Public underlined.

This first seven days after polls closed the public has been excluded. How about the 51 weeks to come. 

Let's give the council a service request. Tell us now or we are demanding a new CEO in two years when the five year contract comes up. A new CEO who is our public champion.

So you are on notice council to invite the public to fully participate. Not 30 min before a council meeting on your terms. But all the time with a meeting timetable that is accurate, prompt and adhered too.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016


Well it's Wednesday after the election and council has not updated its meetings schedule.

We have to organise and the council must tell us.

Nothing after 29 September 2016.

Dead in the public eyes.

Come on council we have newly elected council

Monday, 10 October 2016

Elected South Waikato + 003 Local Territorial Authority 2016-2019

The Tirau Debates are still on.

Team Mayor Shattock (waiting to see no protests or appeals) 3,000 votes approximately and the elected members
This team will be paid $350,000 per annum to attend.
The highest polling Tokoroa ward candidate Cr Bill Machen leaning forward with Cr Tomas Lee sitting next to him.

Team Gallagher will be added to his voting numbers all the elegagable voters who did not vote (7,400 voting potential as the national average was 38% voter turn out. (SW up 6% on 44%)

The other two mayoral Candiates on 1,100 votes separating each approximately are Tracey and Alan.

The highest polling candidate in Putaruru Ward was Cr Gray Baldwin
And the highest polling in Tirau ward is Cr Peter Schulte

The deputy mayor stakes are neck in neck with Cr Peter Schulte getting most percentage votes followed by Cr Gray Baldwin and then Cr Bill Machen. (These may change as special votes are counted.)

Sunday, 9 October 2016

Elected South Waikato + 002 Local Territorial Authority 2016-2019

When is the first meeting of the new council?

Elected - Peter Schulte, Gray Baldwin, Herman van Rooijen, Adrienne Bell, William Machen, Jeff Gash, Arama Ngapo-Lipscombe, Thomas Lee, Marin Jame Glucina, Wendy Cook

Monday has this page updated 4 weeks ago.

8th of September 2016.

If the community want to come and find out how the first council meeting happens then where do we find that if not on CEO Craig Hobbs watch as a communication expert?

Let's see the new councils.

If you read this please phone the council communications officer and ask to update the website.

And click your fingers to hurry up. A new broom needs to sweep in with all those signs.

Seems Murray Robson's sign lacking the pulling power to get ahead of Wendy Cook. (New this term but been in before)

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Elected South Waikato + 001 Local Territorial Authority 2016-2019

The Home Show, over the weekend (Thursday 6 October - Sunday 9th October 2016) has a Tokora South Waikato celebrate Blacksmithing. (Video -> )

The results of the South Waikato Local Territorial Election are in.

Let's hit while the iron is hot.

Who were the winners and losers on the day of the election.

And remember the lessons learned.

New person from each of the wards Tokoroa, Putaruru and Tirau in Marama, Gray and Peter.

The Mayoral race still has to be called as a cloud hangs over the appeal process with regards to the Mayor Sinclair endorsement of the deputy. If this happens under the new rules and is permitted by the Local Government Commission then we have New Zealand facing an a systemic disaster as freakish as the Tangiwai disaster when the bridge of democracy is washed out by the larha of expedience. The public will see the full power of the council being put behind the deputy when the mayor decides to retire from standing. This support will put undue pressure on the deputy in a way that is unhealthy and will also cause apathy in any other candidates standing. The apathy is the worst as the brightest and best will be reticent from elected office and standards will decline. 

Congratulations to the three new elected members. In some ways all three are towering figures and will cast long shadows over the sitting relocated members as the scales are reset. 

Having two laywers on council new will smarten up the rule of law side of the council and the Regional Council prosecution of South Waikato district council for cutting trees out of a stream "was a shoddy job all round" according to Cr William Machen.

The Trinity Farms LTD link of Gray will be a big support of Herman Van Rooijen pro farm stance in the district.

And Peter from Tirau will ensure that the coffee at the break times in full council meetings goes to the community who visits and participates and not the staff eating the elected members food as it is only the CEO the need interact with elected members and community at break times. The staff have a large staff room down stairs and are paid well to feed themselves and need not elbow out the community tentatively coming to participate on their own time. Seeing food fall from staff mouths as they stumble out of break times and cough all over the public who sit without even a glass of water is a disgrace perpetuated for 12 years under Mayor Sinclair. Let's get to some policy making by resolution from council vote and not from the mayor talking to staff behind the CEO back to have things moved. Yes one pissed off resident at the cowboy policy planning under Mayor Sinclair retired. For a mouth full of food in staff mouths he got little consultation done. Take for example the BP station in Tirau and the closing off of Logan Street as an example of poor consultation. Shall I list 12 years worth of issues of just look to the new council to send staff down stairs to eat?


Peter Schulte, Gray Baldwin, Herman van Rooijen, Adrienne Bell, William Machen, Jeff Gash, Arama Ngapo-Lipscombe, Thomas Lee, Marin Jame Glucina, Wendy Cook