Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Media desk sign removed and council took a table away. Good for democracy?

At council full meeting, open to the public, 9am on 21 Jan 2016 in Tokoroa Chambers, the staff, under orders from CEO Hobbs and Mayor Sinclair, began rearranging chairs in the chambers from out under members of the public attending. What is going on?

The media sign from the media desk is gone and replaced with "South Waikato News" and CEO apologised to full council for his loss of Temper in the chambers before the meeting started.

When asked CEO lost his temper in public forum about council policy on "accredited media" and not having one in his words. However changes are cited as coming from complaints from South Waikato News reporter. 

When asked if 3 unused tables and 4 unused chairs could be used by the public and media to put papers and and make notes it declined by CEO with council staff been requested to man handle any furniture back into position if moved by the public.

Mayor Sinclair was asked as to why the media table had been reduced by 50%. He asked that an apology to the CEO was given before he spoke. When Mayor was told the CEO was interrupting the Mayor communicating with the public the CEO kept talking over the top of those conversations and CEO latter apologised for his loss of temper in this incident.

Audio and video of CEO apology and further rant on time wasters who have taken complaints to the Ombudsman Office for council beaches of the Official Information Act is available for reader to consult and make their own opinion. 

R Young
Tok Talks

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