Wednesday, 23 March 2016

waikato regional council 2016 1.3% decrease rates

Regional council of waikato.

Growth 1.3%

Rates reduced 1.3%

Existing rate payers rates will go down.

CEO saved $2.4 million in savings

Also espree collection and lake Taupo collection come off.

These were rebalanced in what council does and 1.3% reduction. But not factor in 1.3% growth. Next year.

Build more house is a way to have local house values to go up.

 Farm land prices rise in south waikato and 10% rate rise for farms.

Councilor Vercoe said South Waikato faviorate council.

Tauhei flood protection project

Proposal to do $4.28 million catchment protection.

Low land get flooded.

Low land 20 farmers don't want it because stop banks will upset my farming.
Law land 20 farmers want it.

A small portion of general rate regionally goes to stop banks and flood protection.

This is 50% funding from regional council. Direct share could be $500,000 per farm.

This is via the local Governemnt Act process we are consulting.

Contractors have put up prices because of lot of work happening with state highway one.

Then farmers could use their own local contractors to do the work.

This was good to have south waikato council asked by regional council these hard questions to show how to run the special consultative procedure.

When it gets too complicated for some councillors they revert to status quo.

But for others who are intellectually curious the bigger questions come out and that is rating falls on individual or should farms be seen as an individual in its own right.

Water take charges in New Zealand

Regional Council wants submission.

Need $3,000,000 to monitor water take with $1,000,000 of these consents.

1. Maintain the current method of Water take consent charges

44 cents up to 30,000 then 12 cents per cubic meters.

2. On same put $65 on top of that for every concent

37 cents per cubic metre up to 30,000 per day and then drops to 12 cents there after.

If you have 14 consents then you pay 14.

Medium irrigators have gone from $500 to $2000.

3. Based on current method but $100 fee with less ongoing cost

30 cents per cubic meter and 12 cents 

Mayor asked why would we not charge Coka Cola 44cents a cubic meter.

So it is what you use in one day in water becomes the annual charge (not charging on yearly water use)

It is just monitoring fee. 

Confusion results with Deputy Mayor Shattock just staying with status quo.

This is a targeted consultation to get a heads up on council think. But the regional council will go to all people with request for consolation.

South waikato council pays
$13K down to option three $7,646.50

But farmers with cowshed needing consent.

Water for stock if unconsented use.

If you are under 15 cubic meters of water you do not need a consent

But recommend you get a consent.

Waikato Regional Council on funding surf life saving

South Waikato district Council schooled on funding regional council for things like surf life saving.

Are council supportive.

Matamata opted out.

$3.74 per property is option two and is less from what currently get.

So if you go to the beach from land locked South Waikato should we pay towards safety. 

Mayoral forum according to the Mayor Sinclair report is that is regional council nibbling into more and more. So should this go out to the annual plan process. Helicopters funding the mayor asked why is not central Governemnt funding it as part of health care.

Surf life saving gets nothing in funding. They provide volunteers on weekends. But week days they use university students and pay them. Their is a contract for service. How do we as regional could pay for it. 

Mayor Sinclair talked about funding creep. Start something and then cost more for a better service.

Tourist needing saving by surf life saving was raised by Councilor Gluciner. 

But TB rating of farmers using regional council was told no.

Cr. Lee in not supporting funding suggested boat registration fees should be charged and go to coast guard.

Little old ladies in Kalso Street funding Taupo lake but will not use it. 

What is core business of council underlies all this. Water safety is a key council role.

Cr Gash thinks  $2.37 to have kids safe at the beach is worth it.

Cr Bell thinks central govt should fund it.

Mayor Sinclair asked should it be consulted. Cr Van Rooijen said on to even ask the community.

"Wonderfully Childish" was Mayor Sinclair on reading media report

Ceo Hobbs read the blog in council meeting on being published and passed his computer over to mayor as he is deliberating on slippery pavers in Tokoroa CBD.

Deputy mayor who just got a text message that two old ladies just slipped over at the bank this morning was reported to the meeting.

The Mayor Sinclair read the blog and responded to the whole meeting with a loud voice heard in the biblical gallery "childish"

What is childish?

Reporting the meeting when south waikato news not present.

$500,000 to fix cobble stones 8,000 m^2 which was first laid by Deputy Mayor in committee ears ago.

What is childish getting back to the meeting.

Old ladies are falling over in bad weather today and for ten years this mayor has know the price paid.

See how lives are lost on the roads. See how injury are piling on foot paths.

Childish is doing nothing, saying no to good ideas is childish, and childish is chairing meetings known the press is in the room and not acting mayoral.

This is the same meeting that CEO threatened the press agent with trespass for sitting at a free and unused desk.

This hostility and hiding in public excluded comfort meetings is spilling over into the public space and not being disciplined enough to wear two hats. One hat is representing the the community and the other hat is just a public person.

Mayor is pushing to spend $500,000 on pavers with out information to back up that price.

$500,000/$8,000 m^2 = $75 per square meter. 

Watch this space.

Speeding Mayor Clueless to HAZARDS

Taupo/Tokoroa or Bay of Plenty South were two items suggested as full council was brought up to speed with South Waikato.

Waotu traffic accident was mentioned were GPS confuses over seas visitors and takes the tourist down dead end roads and turning around disorientated.

Mayor Sinclair welcomed

Craig Hobbs CEO reached out and mentioned it was a public meeting with the cameras rolling when the commander started a sentence "just within these four walls..." As he mentioned a road policing was going to get improved with a reshuffle. 601 accidents and 17 deaths said the Mayor is "absolutely scary". Again the mayor "hope no one was reporting" admitting he was driving 70km/hr in 50km temporary road areas. The commander replied to mayor asking councillors to put hands up who drive over 30km/hr like mayor says he does with nervous smiles. Tony Jurisson piped up as Warricks right hand and and looks after road policing group and said partnership working with community is about "bring people on board". Brent is a good person to ask about this. Signs are out and now working on the roads so mayor sets his own rules on the roads.

Brent said police have moved to a prevention model. So long term it is the right space to be in.

Fatalities are high and Murry will get into that more. The crash that Mayor mentioned had 3 deaths. A farm worker near Kinleath fell off a quad and died.

Two projects scoping for business case improvements.

Sharing information, thoughts and opinions.

2km of road with 50Km/hr signs had no work going on but still there two days.

Council has to put better quality into road works and it is council to get better contractors who are responsible for road safety.

Ceo Hobbs read the blog in council meeting on being published and passed his computer over to mayor as he is deliberating on slippery pavers in Tokoroa CBD.

Deputy mayor who just got a text message that two old ladies just slipped over at the bank this morning was reported to the meeting.

The Mayor Sinclair read the blog and responded to the whole meeting with a loud voice heard in the biblical gallery "childish"

What is childish?

Reporting the meeting when south waikato news not present.

$500,000 to fix cobble stones 8,000 m^2 which was first laid by Deputy Mayor in committee ears ago.

What is childish getting back to the meeting.

Old ladies are falling over in bad weather today and for ten years this mayor has know the price paid.

See how lives are lost on the roads. See how injury are piling on foot paths.

Childish is doing nothing, saying no to good ideas is childish, and childish is chairing meetings known the press is in the room and not acting mayoral.

This is the same meeting that CEO threatened the press agent with trespass for sitting at a free and unused desk.

This hostility and hiding in public excluded comfort meetings is spilling over into the public space and not being disciplined enough to wear two hats. One hat is representing the the community and the other hat is just a public person.

Mayor is pushing to spend $500,000 on pavers with out information to back up that price.

$500,000/$8,000 m^2 = $75 per square meter. 

Watch this space.

Councilor Bell mentioned to full South Waikato District council that slow drivers confuse the road with dangerous passing because locals know the roads and tourist creep along slowly sight seeing.

Council Edmeads asked why police changed color of police cars. Quick answer is resale of used police cars has a better price it was found.

Councilor Glucena said lighting up signs have people take more notice. But this was pointed out that council contractors and council has more to do on prevention there.

Mayor asked if police will be writing tickets in 30 km/hr and the answer was yes and warnings will be given out. Mayor been schooled on his illegal activity he admitted to of driving faster than legal limit in road work zones. CEO Hobbs said Mayor may not be seen as a mentor for young drivers as seen working in other council areas around country.

Police polightly explained to mayor that if you look at the road it is not up to condition and that is what 50KM/hr  signs are for. Not open road speed said the Police to Mayor. 

Mayor wanted explanation with signs on why he should obey the law. This made the police look uncomfortable about how much work has to be done with traffic safety with Mayor driving with sustained loss of traction from the front.

Mayor asked signs provided to appeal to his reason and not his blind obedience. 

One Councilor said that she was clocked at 60km/hr in 30km/hr and got her a ticket with demerit points. The mayor must have the message now. We will have to lay in wait at the next roadworks between council building and his home and see.

Mayor has one final question about cars driving with headlights on. Mayor wants to pass and the one car without lights on coming the other way confuses him when most of the others have lights on. 

Councilor Gash was observably frustrated at the petty tone set by the Mayor in this public meeting, being covered by the media, when we had this Oppertunity to look at what council can do for prevention asked for by police. Recidivism was the default resoughted  to by Mayor Sinclair.

From the gallery I can think of many things.

Write into council and tell them your ideas.

Bottom line is catching Mayor at 71 km/hr in a 30km/hr limit and he will have his licence confiscate and the mayoral car will need to hire a driver. Let that be your first and final warning from the police visit to Mayor today.

Police noted motor cycles are seen with lights on. Education to educate car drivers to turn light on. But new cars automatically sense darkness and put lights in.

Councilor Machen sits on a traffic committee and a speed forum has brought up that 100km/hr coming into the north of tokoroa needs to be lowered. Shall we clear road sides with mowing?

Mayor wants to reestablish regular meetings between council and police. Build relationships. It did slip away and death toll rose. Council is dropping the ball on prevention when we see the Mayor not preventing his speed to the legal limits. 

Mayor said he has never seen a gang patch in Tokoroa. The room frowned at this comment. One of the requirements of a driving licence is a sight test. 

Mayor needs to be preventative and nip it in the bud. Okay the signs bottom line.

Take home message from the public meeting. The visit from the new commander of police to full south waikato district council meeting has  brought the oldest Mayor in the country, at 74 years old, back into line on speeding on the road. Age is another factor for the Mayor to as reaction times slow down and look harder for road signs requires more time to see and understand them than is being seen from our mayor.

Also to put a KPI to CEO Craig Hobbs to put in best road safety when giving contracts to Roading contractors. Council must lose its fast and loose driving Mayor style and pull the hand break well on with this law breaking.

New police commander wants for a more inclusive name

Taupo/Tokoroa or Bay of Plenty South were two items suggested as full council was brought up to speed with South Waikato.

Waotu traffic accident was mentioned were GPS confuses over seas visitors and takes the tourist down dead end roads and turning around disorientated.

Mayor Sinclair welcomed

Craig Hobbs CEO reached out and mentioned it was a public meeting with the cameras rolling when the commander started a sentence "just within these four walls..." As he mentioned a road policing was going to get improved with a reshuffle. 601 accidents and 17 deaths said the Mayor is "absolutely scary". Again the mayor "hope no one was reporting" admitting he was driving 70km/hr in 50km temporary road areas. The commander replied to mayor asking councillors to put hands up who drive over 30km/hr like mayor says he does with nervous smiles. Tony Jurisson piped up as Warricks right hand and and looks after road policing group and said partnership working with community is about "bring people on board". Brent is a good person to ask about this. Signs are out and now working on the roads so mayor sets his own rules on the roads.

Brent said police have moved to a prevention model. So long term it is the right space to be in.

Fatalities are high and Murry will get into that more. The crash that Mayor mentioned had 3 deaths. A farm worker near Kinleath fell off a quad and died.

Two projects scoping for business case improvements.

Sharing information, thoughts and opinions.

2km of road with 50Km/hr signs had no work going on but still there two days.

Council has to put better quality into road works and it is council to get better contractors who are responsible for road safety.

CEO Criag Hobbs of South Waikato questions why Iwi gets ministerial visit and not him

In the mayor's report.

Criag Hobbs in his report to council on local government changes coming up made comment that ministers should visit councils before Iwi.

Full council and Mayor Sinclair all listened on.

The Minister had a first name Sam and the CEO was disappointed he got no visit.

Air quality then became next topic in Tokoroa. Averaging over a whole year the PM10. But looking at PM2.5 internationally was on the horizon.

Earth Quake Zones is now on risk. Building liability is a real cost.

Charging policy from new Omdusman in the Ombudsman office on official information requests will be coming out.

Fluride in water will be two months before taking it off local councils and making it regional or local.

Cr Van Rooijen talked about minister Nathan Guy speaking in Putaruru. Seems to be the Minister About time.

South Waikato water was commented on and Neal Waka was called out by Mayor for his comments on television.

$150,000 per day income if water was 

Putaruru to reopen train shunting yard due to cheese

Customs will do it in South Waikato so that trains with containers can leave from here to go directly onto the boats in Tauranga.

Looking at moving rail lines further south so trains in town will not force people 2.5 minutes to go around over bridge way says Mayor Sinclair.

The reason for the shunting yards is that Litchfield Cheese factory has limited train room.

What about opportunities for Tokoroa to back flush the trains to the new rail siding was not mentioned in full council meeting.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Waikato Cheese Rolling championships Tokoroa 2016 Saturday 12 March NEWELL Road.

The winner of the aeroplane flight had the mystery number below
The deputy Mayor gifts her gift basket to the hard working Pom.
Yellow shirt hides a farmer who won the men's cheese rolling twice
The winner of the Cart run
A great competitor for all women's events
The egg tossing competition was not won by this team member
Prise giving by the council elected Deputy Mayor
Fine day in tokoroa brings out the body art
RC models attacked this man's attention most of the day
Photographers took photos of each other
South waikato news gets the spelling of the name for the paper
Looking after the young ones 
First year RC models flew and a great success for the event
Lining up the top of the cheese rolling hill
Kids linking up the bottom of the hill to run to the cheese at the top
The Pa on the microphone all day
Two people went to hospital from the women's run making 40% casualties.
Above is the four year running winner trolly from holsters