Wednesday, 23 March 2016

New police commander wants for a more inclusive name

Taupo/Tokoroa or Bay of Plenty South were two items suggested as full council was brought up to speed with South Waikato.

Waotu traffic accident was mentioned were GPS confuses over seas visitors and takes the tourist down dead end roads and turning around disorientated.

Mayor Sinclair welcomed

Craig Hobbs CEO reached out and mentioned it was a public meeting with the cameras rolling when the commander started a sentence "just within these four walls..." As he mentioned a road policing was going to get improved with a reshuffle. 601 accidents and 17 deaths said the Mayor is "absolutely scary". Again the mayor "hope no one was reporting" admitting he was driving 70km/hr in 50km temporary road areas. The commander replied to mayor asking councillors to put hands up who drive over 30km/hr like mayor says he does with nervous smiles. Tony Jurisson piped up as Warricks right hand and and looks after road policing group and said partnership working with community is about "bring people on board". Brent is a good person to ask about this. Signs are out and now working on the roads so mayor sets his own rules on the roads.

Brent said police have moved to a prevention model. So long term it is the right space to be in.

Fatalities are high and Murry will get into that more. The crash that Mayor mentioned had 3 deaths. A farm worker near Kinleath fell off a quad and died.

Two projects scoping for business case improvements.

Sharing information, thoughts and opinions.

2km of road with 50Km/hr signs had no work going on but still there two days.

Council has to put better quality into road works and it is council to get better contractors who are responsible for road safety.

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