Wednesday, 1 June 2016

90Thorium232 future and what we as humans (H.s.s.) leave behind.

90Thorium232 or 90th232


90 on the periodic table. 90 protons in the nucleus.

232 - 90 = 142 neutrons in the nucleus.

Ernist Rutherford was a New Zealander who lived in the top of the South Island.

His science placed the nucleus at the heart of the atomic structure 100 years ago and gets his face on the 100dollar bill note here in New Zealand.

Around the nuclear a is 90 electrons to match the 90 protons and the extra atomic mass is made up of neutrons.

Why is this structure fissiable.

Realising 3.9 million times the energy of a carbon bond?

90Th232 -> two smaller elements + energy (1,000,000 times more than a carbon bond)

Methane has four carbon bonds to hydrogen (CH4) + 2O2(g) = CO2 + H20 

Above one carbon atom with four hydrogen atoms joined has chemical protential energy from sunlight that took CO2 and made carbon bonded molecules in the form of plants.

The oxygen on the air (g for gas) the oxidises the methane (CH4) and water is the product with Carbon dioxide.

We as human are carbon based life forms. 

We gain our energy to grow, reproduce, respire, move, etc from the solar light turned into sugars in the form or carbohydrates.

That is the science of the matter.

Now here is the politics of the matter.

Noam Chomsky may be old but he is at the total height of his powers.

From the shoulders of giants do we step off and

The above video link offers a snapshot of the world in full blown fire if coal and oil.

The exponential growth if the "fire" is represented.

But I want to talk to you about a million times more energy being released than all we have seen in the past 250 years of the industrial revolution.

So watch the video and keep reading.
What the Tokoroa airfield could look line
And all generations involved
Let's have a flight fest
These two developed a circle plane that was a hit

So get your circle plane developed to set a world record for FBV craft to fly through the circle.

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