Sunday, 31 July 2016

Over Turning a car is a hard thing to achieve on a public road

What an amassing technology world we live in!

A simple shape of a smart phone can then be published world wide.

Hamilton has a car over turn on Saturday 30 July 2016 around 3pm.

Wet weather and spread are easy to suggest.

And here is a photo of the screen of a Samsung J1 by an iPad Air front facing camera to get it into blogger here.

Your comments?

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Submission to TPPA

Well I got in with one day to go.

Online submission was easy.

Some screen shots.

But I was phone in the afternoon from Parliament and emailed my request to be heard by Face Time on an iPad over fibre optic.

I was told it's not currently done.

I explained the set up for the last twomsubmissions to regional council annual plan over fibre optic from Tokoroa to Hamilton.

I was encouraged.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Compare two videos

Reports out of Australia show a 60% increase in wealth of over 65 year olds!!!! In 8 years????

What is going wrong with politicians pandering to retired folk?

Listen to these two videos and tell us your thoughts of what should be on the agenda?

People aged 50-69 years old will decide United States Of America future as with BREXIT

So here are two videos to compare and contrast and say what you think is going on.



Slow news say with Republican Convention in USA about to pick Trump

Did the future first Lady plagiarise from the other First Lady.

I am not permeated to use the world "other" as in "other one"

But we have the standards of academic papers allied to fashion models and their speeches.

This is a slow news day when you ask if this subject matter is news?

Monday, 18 July 2016

Turkey big news on Coup is 80 NATO nukes

Charter Schools at the hear old the USA schooling system can be linked back to the funding of the ferment according to an interview with David Knight of

All over the world is Turkish schools, that use the charter schools system, setting up here in New Zealand Aotearoa, to provide a language base and then when contracts are given to build the school buildings, or immergration of teachers, or sending money back to the headquarters in the USA for the Turkish schools, we have a problem Huston.

And now we find out that Turkey as a NATO country has 80 Nukes ready for deployment on its soil.

The Newton cradle of the BREXIT has UK leaving EU after Turkey wants to enter EU.

Now we have a USA as part of the Newton Cradle equation that will knock back with an election of either a President that will deport families to Islamic countries if their relatives misbehave or a commander in Cheif who will put hair ties in and lipstick on in the mornings to face the nation and fallow a president who did some early education in a Madras School where the only subject on offer is taught in Arabic.

Friday, 15 July 2016

What interested me over the seeking starting with Stage Door Canteen(1943) movie.

An old movie but a good movie.

Set in the World War Two United States in New York.

It is full of entertaining stage acts of the time

"The fundamental idea of Kant's “critical philosophy” — especially in his three Critiques: the Critique of Pure Reason (1781, 1787), the Critique of Practical Reason (1788), and the Critique of the Power of Judgment (1790) — is human autonomy. He argues that the human understanding is the source of the general laws of nature that structure all our experience; and that human reason gives itself the moral law, which is our basis for belief in God, freedom, and immortality. Therefore, scientific knowledge, morality, and religious belief are mutually consistent and secure because they all rest on the same foundation of human autonomy, which is also the final end of nature according to the teleological worldview of reflecting judgment that Kant introduces to unify the theoretical and practical parts of his philosophical system."

"The Enlightenment was a reaction to the rise and successes of modern science in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The spectacular achievement of Newton in particular engendered widespread confidence and optimism about the power of human reason to control nature and to improve human life. One effect of this new confidence in reason was that traditional authorities were increasingly questioned. For why should we need political or religious authorities to tell us how to live or what to believe, if each of us has the capacity to figure these things out for ourselves? Kant expresses this Enlightenment commitment to the sovereignty of reason in the Critique:
Our age is the age of criticism, to which everything must submit. Religion through its holiness and legislation through its majesty commonly seek to exempt themselves from it. But in this way they excite a just suspicion against themselves, and cannot lay claim to that unfeigned respect that reason grants only to that which has been able to withstand its free and public examination (Axi).

Enlightenment is about thinking for oneself rather than letting others think for you, according to What is Enlightenment? (8:35). In this essay, Kant also expresses the Enlightenment faith in the inevitability of progress. A few independent thinkers will gradually inspire a broader cultural movement, which ultimately will lead to greater freedom of action and governmental reform. A culture of enlightenment is “almost inevitable” if only there is “freedom to make public use of one's reason in all matters” (8:36).

The problem is that to some it seemed unclear whether progress would in fact ensue if reason enjoyed full sovereignty over traditional authorities; or whether unaided reasoning would instead lead straight to materialism, fatalism, atheism, skepticism (Bxxxiv), or even libertinism and authoritarianism (8:146). The Enlightenment commitment to the sovereignty of reason was tied to the expectation that it would not lead to any of these consequences but instead would support certain key beliefs that tradition had always sanctioned. Crucially, these included belief in God, the soul, freedom, and the compatibility of science with morality and religion. Although a few intellectuals rejected some or all of these beliefs, the general spirit of the Enlightenment was not so radical. The Enlightenment was about replacing traditional authorities with the authority of individual human reason, but it was not about overturning traditional moral and religious beliefs."


Thursday, 14 July 2016

Cloud computing sux when video editing

Claude computing costs money

1 TB is $120

Google and apple and you pay $250 for combined 2TB

Over 4 years that's $1,000

But the service is slow to down load to use.

If you are editing a video the parts head up into the cloud and you are forever waiting their return to the editor.

Then the apple iPad choaks with too much data and no where to save the final product.

What's up on the cloud and on your hardware you are not in controls of.

But what if big oversight government wants to delay things with five eyes watching.

And you see the problem.

So my advice is to buy three small 1TB drives and use two for back up.

Forget the cloud if you want to make videos 2'hours long.

The cloud is good for making shadows.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

TPPA submission.

TPPA submission for second reading

Due before 25th July 2016

To select committee of Parliament

The purpose of the TPPA is for copyright changes

However it will affect $20 trillion of crown minerals

The inclusion of nations like Bruni and its surrounding nations introduces a trade relationship with vastly different cultural beliefs and language background

Once signed no returning to commonwealth links.

With BREXIT vote over 52% to 48% and 17 million people in the majority and UK exiting the EUROPEAN UNION then 42 years of distance from UK has been avaperated over night. Now a TPPA is not needed when a closer commonwealth relationship is on offer. $20 trillion of crown minerals in the hands of the UK and in partnership with Aotearoa New Zealand would be a language Union and a formidable blossoming for New Zealand without the retardation of the miss mash of languages in the TPPA.

In other words it is more seamless to have the commonwealth as an old friend to fall back to than to hand over our entire wealth to a block of nations that can not even speak English on the whole and then have to wait in line behind a long list of others to even get a crumb of what was ours in the first place and even a crumb may be withheld.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016


Old technology designed to obsolete 

This speed up with electronics

We sit on the Virtual Reality revolution

What is your investment

Mine was to purchase Dirt Rally play static four game to practice driving 20 km up 1,435m of altitude of pikes peak.

In October the VR set for PlayStation is out at $700

And July/August VR Oculus Prime is out for Dirt Rally on PC

My pick will be FOVE which is the only VR head set to have eye tracking.

Till then a TV screen is the interface

And that is the future.

What is the past

Well Logitech steering wheel, foot peddles and gear shift leaver G25 was PS2 equipment
Super ended by G27 for PS3 and G29 for PS4

However a patch is available to connect the G25 to the PS4

And this is what I am writing about here.

In the next week a few electrical components will be arriving by post that when connected together will link the G25 USB connector to the Play Station four USB connection so that the signal can be read.

Crown minerals fees up for discussion

My submission to the above

Question 1

Do you agree that raising fees is reasonable given the cost of administering the Crown minerals permitting regime currently exceeds the amount recovered from permit holders?

Answered 1

Fees are already being raised and have been raised for the past 100 years so your question is disingenuous and  speaks to the cash cow you see this sector with no question of innovation in the department to produce better results for less. I want to see the salary breakdown of the staff, the qualifications and reporting line structures of the organisation in any review. Go back to the drawing board and start all over again. Include royalties in the mix. To leave royalties our suggests you are just highway robbers in the dark with a blunderbust calling "stands and deliver". So rethink your strategy. You are not being reasonable by leaving so much out that is pertinent to making this sector profitable for New Zealand. I would say fire 10 staff to recover $1.7 million per year who are on over $100,000 pa and promote the others to those roles and try again with the review including royalties this time.

 Question 2

Do you agree with the petroleum fee settings under option 1? Why/why not?

Answer 2

Like with onshore minerals the Petrolium sector must also have fees for areas of prospecting, exploration and mining. This stops one company claiming all the $20 trillion dollars in one go and sitting on it for 47 years.

Also having fees for areas of prospecting, exploration and mining for Petrolium will leave room for new entrants into the industry to gain area to look at as the older entrants drop area they find is profitable. 

Question 3

What impact would the petroleum fee settings under option 1 have on your business?

Answer 3

My business is hammered by 300% increases, 100% increases in applications, 200% increase annual fees just so you can subsidise Petrolium on the $20 trillion of crown minerals that are out in the see that makes up 95 percent of crown minerals. I am a tier 2 onshore and you guys are killing us with your suggestions and options.

 Question 4

Do you agree with the minerals fee settings under option 1? Why/why not?

The easy access to get started is on land and you are making options that stop people develop from prospecting to mining. Your whole business plan is reducing the smaller players who need to get a foot hold before looking to go offshore into the minerals in the 12 mile area from the coast. Your fees are not encouraging for start up and penilise those grandfather operations waiting for a break from you.

Question 5

What impact would the minerals fee settings under option 1 have on your business?

Answer 5 

Reduce the area to unecconice size. You are forcing free surrender after so much work and been put in developing. You are robbing us blind. Shame on your approach. Options sux. No breaks and not looking at what higher royalties will being to the crown and population of the nation. Raise royalties to 34% from 1% currently and then make the fees open for more new people to enter and develop. Structure the fees for smaller operations and stop the big Petrolium having a free ride on squashing the locals. 

Question 6

Do you agree with the petroleum fee settings under option 2? Why/why not?

answer 6

Your whole premise is wrong in not including royalties in this discussion. We do not have option one and option two. Your rent on Bowen House floors could be changed so you have a less central business location and put it out of the CBD to save money. Option three is not mentioned by you for a medium term to long term saving. So petroleum must pay per area under development and no other option is acceptable.

Question 7

What impact would the petroleum fee settings under option 2 have on your business?

answer 7

Your questions are becoming boring and repetitive as it it tiers you to have to consult with the public and industry. A better question would be around the 90Thorium232 rear earth mineral in the sands around the coast that produces 1 million times more energy gram for gram than coal. Thorium in a molten Fluride salt reactor development in Oakridge in the 1950-60s showed a energy option for humanity of at least 1,000 years and with no CO2 given off. You see how your questions are tied and out of date with new technology and belay an agenda. To put $20 trillion on the balance sheet of big multinationals after TPPA is signed and no nationalisation of crown minerals can happen. You must print this submission so the public can read it going into an election year and look the minister of the croon in the eye and ask who is heading the organisation what write these submission questions. 

 Question 8

Do you agree with the minerals fee settings under option 2? Why/why not?

Answer 8

What promotes 90Thorium232 extraction from sands along with other  rear earth minerals is important and fees for thorium exploration should be nil as it is a strategic Resourse for New Zealand and have a 100% royalty on it to all but New Zealand individuals and companies.

Question 9

What impact would the minerals fee settings under option 2 have on your business?

Answer 9

The citizens of New Zealand number 5,000,000 and when considering $20 trillion in the crown mineral suite we see 20,000,000,000,000/5,000,000 = $4 million for every man and women and child in New Zealand. A better question even at 34% royalty that gives $1.3 million each citizen share of crown mineral. At current 1% royalty that is $40,000 per person and take off government debt we have a broke citizenship. So the impact of your fees are dismal. At $40,000 per person at 1% we offer up 99% to multinationals to put them on a balance sheet and not even need to mine it. Crazy. Rethink all options when you start again. A new government may be needed to reset this like the UK leaving EU. Besides the UK needs the $20 trillion on its balance sheet not Bruni under TPPA. Your whole fees options need to the reconsidered after UK and left EU. The world is different now we have to think in terms of common wealth countries. Stop and start all over again!


Sunday, 10 July 2016

Self Drive Crah Tesla

Why did Harry Potter playing on the movie console kill the driver?

The video above sums it up well. Your comments welcome!

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Official information Act and the Ombudsman Office

I asked a simple question of the local council in South Waikato.

21 working days under the official information act.

The question related to the money granted to the husbands over nance roles of public money from council of two elected members in the district.

The CEO Hobbs is the district council wrote me and said it would take two years to get the south waikato recorders in order and I would have to pay for the staff time.

So I complained to the ombudsmans office under the offical information act of the cost and tai,e delay by south waikato district council and CC the emails to the opposition parties in Parliament.

The ombudsmans office opened file numbers in the complaints but I still do not have any information from the south waikato district council.

So I asked that the ombudsmans resign his position.

I see that an ombudsman has resisted and greens and New Zealand first have mentioned the ombudsman office is under resources and so the official information act is not properly policed.

How many other people have just dropped off the waiting list and how many important matters are swept under the rug but government departments with embarrassment to hide and not ministerial accountability?

You have a systemic problem in New Zealand.

While family's take to living in cars the crown is stuffing paperwork into the shreader.

The crown represented by the executive body of government called cabinet is too powerful and has become a law unto itself by not funding property the ombudsman office.

So I call for the reinstatement of the upper House of Parliament in New Zealand with only the two official languages spoken in that house. 1. Te Reo Maori 2. New Zealand Sign language.

I looked in the statue books and I see English is not an official language of New Zealand.

I read the Corination oath and see New Zealand listed with other commonwealth contrives and the crown must act with "mercy". I also note from the Corination Oath that dates back to 990's A.D. that the customs of New Zealand are to be preserved. That is speaking Te Reo Maaori.

So what would an upper house mean if it had sign language and Te Reo maori with translation into English mean for New Zealand?

It would remove the disproportionate power now held by the executive branch of governemnt called cabinet and would balance the branches of the judiciary and the branch of the legislative.

At the moment their are no checks and balances on the ministers of the crown if government forgets to adequately Resourse the ombudsman office which it has been as well as inappropriate appointments o the ombudsman office. Parliament must address the ombudsman office on the floor of parliament. And this also brings into focus on the Speaker of the House Office. 

In other words this matter must be taken to the next general election and be now put to the electorate of voters. 

The population sleeping in cars is a symptom of cabinet forgetting to be merciful.

And we have seen lack of mercy with the stood down justice minister Judith Colin's not permitting judicial reviews. No mercy. In the parlance of Aotearoa New Zealand "a bitch".

Is this sexist language? Yes it could be but it is better to be sexists than prejudiced in other ways. Dame Tirana Turia called the same past Minister "a racist".

To be racist a person must have a prejudice and also institutional power. Judith Colin's is no longer justice minister so the lesser accusation of Bitch is more apt in this circumstance.

As you can see this language is not appreciate if a male is using it and nor is racist when only one party can speak fluent Te Reo maori. 

So we need to get a more mild as milk term that is neither sexist nor cultural or language prejudiced. 

So that term is Ignorant.

The cabinet shows symptoms of Ignorace and we can see that not property funding the ombudsman office is an ignorant purposeful move on behalf of the crown by the cabinet as a whole and brings contempt on the parliamentary body and the government branches.

So this contempt due to ignorance by the population will ether be taken up by the Governor General on behalf of the queen of it will be suggested by the media to rally the electorate to vote in a way to correct it.

If the Governor General and media as forth estate do not act out of Ignorace too then the Queen comes into direct conflict with the Corination Oath of not showing Mercy.

And under God is it snowing mercy judged for the queen.

The homeless subjects are also judged under God too and what happens with a merciless ruler is that patriots water the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots and tyrants if the American war of independence is anything to go by.

So we have the option now of rising the upper house of New Zealand to address the housing crisis and the Governor General has now been put on notice by the media of that option and must act swiftly to address the motion before the crown of opening the upper house that conducts business in the Reo maori and Aotearoa sign language. As you will know the rising of the eyebrows a couple of times by the Governor General will be an achnoledgement.

Well media matters over. The new Governor General of the old Governor General may get this order of business. When is the change over date for the Governor General here in Aotearoa New Zealand 

CC MP Winston Peters 
CC Speaker of the House Office

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Homeless after winz refuses to pay full hotel bill

Minister of the crown.

We are New Zealand Aotearoa

And we are sitting on $20 trillion of crown minerals

The wealthiest per capita population on the planet

And we are not floating the boat for all in the land of the long white cloud.

1. Increase the royalty from 1% to 34% on all crown minerals. ($200 billion in debt New Zealand is and 1% just pays off the debt but increased to 34% and the nation has $8 trillion dollars. )

2. Offer to business the 66% crown minerals to develop and let our local industry build strong apprentiships.

3. Remove the concept of retirement, remove saving for retirement, remove pensions and replace it with skills transfer, replace students loans with older people teaching you skills, replace the inter generational gap with educational bridge between ages so the young show technology and the old how to marry and bring up a family.

4. Be outward focused and export teaching world wide. We need our young and old traveling together to educate others. We do it on line with video content and we need to do it hands on also.

5. Simple solution for government to follow. Easy to explain and lets private sector develop.

6. Winz needs the next overhaul. Not a standard payment for all. No. If a person falls on hard times and they run a million dollar farm then the aid is to maintain the farming business not the dole. If a person gets minimum wage and falls on hard times then the amount keeps them in the standard of living they had before. Not let people live in cars or on the street. A ladder for all, including all over 65 year olds and even the most disabled persons, to all work in some way for the common wealth good.

Leonard Stanley Blake "Les"

I covered the videoing for the family of Les yesterday.

At 64 years old Les had 200 people attend his service. More people were standing in the venue that seated places.

It was a whose who from 38 years out at the mill for one worker who be Les when he started at the Kinleith Mill and Les would have been 26 years old.

Les wrote out his service and it was read out to the audience. 

Knowing that prostrate cancer in 2012 was to be with him he was prepared for this day.

Meeting Les for the first time this day I was inspired to put pen to paper in this tribute to a human being the is survived by family and friends.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

The sun also rises - Ernst Hemingway

6.5hrs of a good read. 1927 it was published. Friends from UK and USA to watch a bull fight in Spain and travel to France.

The book was recommended on a PBS interview, with an author named Blume promoting her new book on Hemingway, being interviewed. 

YouTube offers an audio book

So the next night I watch the 2 hour movie. 

Have you ever said the book is better than the movie?

So if I was going to do the movie again I would set it in a car culture instead of bull fighting.

Stock cars is a good setting.

But first to the book "everyone behaves badly"

Here is the PBS interview of the author.

Friday, 1 July 2016

Global Britain instead of tail to the EU

New Zealand and Australia have an English speaking common wealth.

TPPA must be English language based?