Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Homeless after winz refuses to pay full hotel bill

Minister of the crown.

We are New Zealand Aotearoa

And we are sitting on $20 trillion of crown minerals

The wealthiest per capita population on the planet

And we are not floating the boat for all in the land of the long white cloud.

1. Increase the royalty from 1% to 34% on all crown minerals. ($200 billion in debt New Zealand is and 1% just pays off the debt but increased to 34% and the nation has $8 trillion dollars. )

2. Offer to business the 66% crown minerals to develop and let our local industry build strong apprentiships.

3. Remove the concept of retirement, remove saving for retirement, remove pensions and replace it with skills transfer, replace students loans with older people teaching you skills, replace the inter generational gap with educational bridge between ages so the young show technology and the old how to marry and bring up a family.

4. Be outward focused and export teaching world wide. We need our young and old traveling together to educate others. We do it on line with video content and we need to do it hands on also.

5. Simple solution for government to follow. Easy to explain and lets private sector develop.

6. Winz needs the next overhaul. Not a standard payment for all. No. If a person falls on hard times and they run a million dollar farm then the aid is to maintain the farming business not the dole. If a person gets minimum wage and falls on hard times then the amount keeps them in the standard of living they had before. Not let people live in cars or on the street. A ladder for all, including all over 65 year olds and even the most disabled persons, to all work in some way for the common wealth good.

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