Here is a typical opening for the past 12 years
"... as we discuss all those..."
What came out at the last meeting is the chambers is a public place and the risk and audit committee invited councilors to go into the special counsellors lounge to discuss private matters.
The staff have a staff room down stairs.
So let the submitters and the members of the public have the meeting room with the elected members and the CEO. It has become a feeding frenzy for staff members at the brakes as staff have become accustom to tucking into the members lunch allowance and crowding out the public.
This staff scrum of entitlement has led to a false sense of security by elected members.
So I hope the prayer is updated the Prayer said in the House of Parliament in Wellington.
It seems the elected members and staff over lunch are "discussing all those..."
Well the ones that are public excluded.
Time for a change on this one. The CEO can decide to eat with his staff in a separate room or eat with the elected members and the community in a public room or join the concilors in the Councilor lounge. But not invite his staff to dine at the exclusion of the public.
That is where I think we get the mandate to destroy the building of the love soup kitchen.
With that building now seeking atonement for its distraction the eating arrangements of the CEO must now change too so that we do not see a repeat of the destructive impatience because things are too much trouble.
How will council conduct business under the new Mayor?
The last council and final meeting of the old concil on 29 September 2016 in Tokoroa Chambers was presented a Waikato Tourism summary. (I was asked how mush did our council pay to this group along with the other 12 or so council in the Waikato region. Under $100,000 perhaps?)
(Click here to see the summary of tourism in waikato region -->)
And trade training awards recognised in full council on 29 September 2016
Video here -->
One commentator has said that before the 12 persons would have taken apprenticeships with local business. Now a tertiary provider charges tuition fees and students go into debt with student loans for living costs and the course with not guarantee of a job at the end of it. The commentator also asked why $200,000 of council funds was benefiting outside the district organisations treasury organisation and also saving local businesses from paying wages to train 12 students per year in apprentiships in a 22,500 population distinct. ($10 per person in the district set up cost)
For similar money the swimming pools could be $0.10 cents entry for all local residents with a library card and teaching learn to swim 24/7 classes. Learn to swim better would open up more job opportunities on the river and sea that surround New Zealand, and save lives in the process.
Teaching good reading and math skills in the library are far more core council business, in improving job opportunities, than limiting access to alcohol and gambling. A drunk broke youth population who can't swim and are illiterate and enumerate are what the council has on its hands. Council by raising the pool prices 33% in 2010 and delaying the free internet at the library (and turning off wifi after hours at the library) and limiting the access to the Internet is in part having youth smash school Windows.
Core business of council must be done well and leave it to the community to organising better training opportunities with central government help. Our rates and fees are paid to develop 18,000 new sections so that our 18-65 year olds can get on the property ladder, out of debt, and use the collateral of a house and land to fund business development. Council needs to front run the New Zealand housing crisis and make our district rich again. That is vision.
The New mayor and 26 possible deputy mayoral candidates what you say!
This blog is an example to each new council on what can be done.
Councillors Start a blog day one to communicate with the community. It's free and it's fun. This is an example to you all on how to use the internet to improve local council. And the public can feed back to you like some of you have done with my invite to the Tirau Hall for a deputy mayor debate.
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