Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Tesla seven seater SUV (11.7seconds) or Bentley W12 world's fastest SUV 11.8s 1/4 mile

YouTube has a show.

2017 Bentley Bentayga vs. 2016 Tesla Model X P90D Ludicrous - Head 2 Head Ep. 76

Monday, 30 May 2016

What is happening to Europe


This is a talk by the Greek finance minister (5 months) and nome Chompsky.

Professors of the highest order we get an insight into the world 

A world that people go hungry in.

A world people get locked up in prison in.

So the realities of this interview are real for the people of the world.

And here in New Zealand we are touched by this reality also.

The take home message from this talk is live in a location that has food and water and not in a city.

In other words self reliance is an important family aspiration.

Much of life has grown up on oil and coal for energy and a drought in these two areas will limit steel production and concrete production and delivery. 

The free flow of food and water is also on the wash of oil and coal.

So if you are reading this and are asking what it mean I would suggest the following 

1. Move away from the coastal areas and climb 300m above sea level to live.
2. Have a water supply like a river or stream within 5 I'm of your back door step
3. Be in a community of people less than 20,000 people.
4. Be surrounded by farming that supports food production.
5. Have access to fibre optic cable for communication. 

These five requirements puts you outside of where 80% of the current world population live.

Good and if you are the one in five people that live outside this population density by being way from the coast then how are you dong with the other four of water, population, food and communications?

Below are common internet searches by state. What is your best lol one. Please comment.

Friday, 27 May 2016

Bias is a political nightmare

TPPA was referred to by norm chompski as a framework to enforce property rights for corporations. Not free or fair trade but a legal system so countries and its people can not back out of bad deals signed into the future where the corporation can take advantage of the pool deal making by politicians made years back.

Do not trust me on coming up with the analysi but here it is from the philosophical horses mouth

And for your interest on the science behind GPU and CPU with myth busters presenters.

And here is a follow up matter of import

And what we need to look at when forming groups to represent our interests



Thursday, 26 May 2016

AMP shows decline in New Zealand South Waikato why?

This video has a group presenting to council committee on community activities chaired by Councilor Jenny Shatock the deputy mayor. 

Should councils make this day happen or have children replaced calf day and showing off lambs for an iPad?

In the old days the church had a rail in the house to mark off the sanctuary from where the animals would shelter in bad weather.

Yes the first place to be built was a church were the group of migrating humans settled.

And this was where the news and weather information was disseminated on Sunday's.

mosques and synagogues are examples of buildings still used today to gather people's and impart information.

So with communication age we have blogs, vlogs, and chat rooms.

The world has video on demand on any subject and we get to pick from around the world.

These videos I am doing of council meetings are just a faximalies of what happened.

In days gone by before writing the reports were from word of mouth.

Today they are delayed audio and pictures.

But with so much information how do we choose.

And who do we trust

And how do we decipher

It all comes down to a crunch point.

Which language grouping of people in the world will address all the new problems we face.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

South Waikato to speak against $2.7 million on leith place

Past Mayor Worth addresses full council on $2.7 million spend.

Here is what he said

2 of 2

Video of hearings 21 May 2016

The overruns on the rail siding 

Staff now not relying on verbal agreements.

Council will scope projects in future.

No funding streams back to council is what Cn Gash is fielding from other transporters in district.

Any other contractor can lift off containers.

Quality waters and blue Pacific using rail siding and use  Lincoln machine.

"It is an open public rail siding" said Mayor Sinclair "and all you have to do is book in for it".


Tuesday, 24 May 2016

MMP and the green vote and people living in cars as solo mothers and children

If first past the post electoral system was still in place and we as New Zealand never had Mixed Member Proportional Representstion then would solo mothers be living in cars with children and be charged 200 dollars a day debt for a motel room?

Big question

But after TPPA we can not go back on the deals done in New Zealand name under MMP.

Regardless of how bad the deal is for citizens in New Zealand.

It is a travesty to have solo mothers in cars with children.

Well done to Marae who offer 100 places. 

At 200 dollars per night that is $20,000 per day in good will the Marae is extending.

But long term we have local councils turning their back on the problem.

I know because I asked in submission hearings to south Waiakto district council for 18,000 new section to be developed to attract 6,000 new residents to the district asked between 18 years and 35 years old. While giving all resident aged 18-65 a ballot place for a freehold section in the district.

Yes and it was ignored to go spend some reserve money $2.7 million to alter the car parking off state highWay one in Tokoroa as the first stage of a three stage 20 year project.

Total loss of priority.

Look at Leith Place blog yesterday to see the video of how it was deliberated after submissions.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Leith Place $2.6 million Tokoroa better spent by council.

1. Procedure no legal as local government act 2002 special consultative procedure not making public the submissions.
2. This is an official information request for the submissions on leith place.
3. $2.6 million.
4. Business association not representative of the communities money.
5. Where the money came from was $35 million of which $25 million went into drive fund.
A. Electricity shares sWIFT fund $35 million was spent because central government said rural amalgamations may happen and so would have been lost to pay off the debts of amalgamating councils.
B. Auckland amalgamation  and 7 CEO and 7 mayors were restructured out by central government
C. Proposal of super rural amalgamation when two council amalgamate the one In debt soaks up the council savings of a council like south waikato in credit 
D. Drive fund formed $25 and $2.6 million for leith place fell out of the spend up created by central government and overseen by Mayor Sinclair.
E. Also central government created a council debt instrument this year traded in the share market from the jobs summit held when first elected. More council debt the better and bigger the shares in this financial instrument. This all flows from central government and the local MP Upston of Taupo area is in cabinet over this time and associate minister of local government.
F this grows as councils fall into debt and is backed by rate payers at pain of rates increase to fund loans of council and the interest and the interest on the interest if the can is kicked down the road.
G. Council runs $15 million in debt while also moving $35 million dollars in the three terms of Mayor Sinclair. That is a total of $50 million spent.

The public turned out to hear. mayor candidate over by the door.
Mayor in chair while news paper(reporter far left) will close office in tokoro July 2016 and run out of Rotorua or Hamilton.
State of the public information on the submissions that were not provided electronically nor even in a form for elected members to read the raw documents.
New working group $2.7 million fist if three stages all unfounded for two and tree as they enter with these  terms of reference.
Mayor Sinclair (on left) and CEO Craig Hobbs (right)
Herman van Roijen asked to be put on the working group to represent the wards of Tirau and Putaruru. Three business association appointees Stevens, Forbes, and o'Sullivan

Cn Bell and Cn Lee with Roading engineer in background (left) and consultant (right)
Cn Shattock (closes to screen) Cn Mechan, Cn Glucena, Cn Gash, Cn Edmeads, (absent Cn Tua (tokoroa ward) and Cn from Tirau)

How old are you.

Do not turn away.

This photo can do that for you.

But wait. 

It is said more people will live over one hundred years of age. Over. Yes that is correct.

But antibiotic resistance is coming up fast.

Ten years ago I warned of the antibiotic resistance.

Now we are in an even worse place.

No new replacements on any horizon.

What was life like pre 1946

Yes we have only had antibiotics for 70 years.

And so the treatment before that was Sanatoriums.

Let's look at what a return to sanatoriums would look like in the next few days.

Your thoughts please in the comments.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Hard drives and failed terabyte

Usually clear for family dinner but over the three days of council hearing I Recored 200 GB of video files.

So to get all that centralised I needed this set up.

I collected all the storage media from the house into one place

And I set to work.

A whole day went by as a 32 GB file from micro sd card took 30 minutes to move.

But had to pack up half way into the exercise as the 120GB hard drive I was putting it into was full.

The 1 TB USB 3.0 drive had stopped weeks ago with 34% still to go.

I took it back to the shop for a return.

But was sent back home to try a repair.

And hoped to save 660 GB of video data.

4K video will be limited by data.

I was wanted to go back to 720P

In fact for TV use 720P is all that is needed.

If you can not tell a story by writing with a pencil then what story do you have with a main frame computer. Answer. The same.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Could 6,000 be attracted in the age range 18-35 years old to South Waikato with $5 new sections?

After three days listening to submissions to the district council I have go to know the mayor 77 year old mayor and councillors better,as a team.

Also the staff.

Both the mayor and the CEO were offered YouTube clips of the preceding days proceedings and said they do not watch YouTube. 


But this is the same submission that councillors had not discussion time over and just passed on better access to the pools for swimming lessons for the children and access to land for building houses for new families. Both core business of council and with the CEO and Mayor not interested in the substantive nature of the policy the rest of the councillors have nothing to discuss on the agenda.

In fact 18,000 new sections to provide 50% of the population with a free hold section was not considered the time of council deliberation.

But their is no other place to go.

Council holds the keys to subdivisions. So if they are not interested to talk about core business then central government is the only place address for redress.

Let's see if the Members of Parliment watch YouTube.

Two mayoral candidates Bruce Simpson and Alan Blair in the public gallery 16 may 2016

Incumbent mayor Neil Sinclair and CEO Craig Hobbs

Writing on the board explaining 18,000 new section for ballot and UAGC going from 29.8% to 15.0%
The Councilor pictured was the highest polling candidate last election Geoff Gash

Trish from Putarura advocating in her submission for the youth with Councilor Terry McGill facing.

Mr. And Mrs. tanner submitting advocating for the youth in Tirau and Putaruru.

Raukawa Iwi presented on Comanagement of the water ways

Councilor Lee was on hand for all of the three days to hear submissions and deliberate

Sunday, 15 May 2016

New science applied to old populous disasters

The first disaster that comes to mind 
a. 1912 HMS Titanic 

What would save your life? 

1. A dry suit made of neoprim

B. World trade centre twin towers 911

What would save your life?

2. BASE jumping suit

C. Hindenburg blimp lifted by hydrogen

3. ?

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Crusher Collins fronts anti corruption conference as representative of New Zealand.

Knowing water is free and and one owns it in New Zealand then cabinet ministers can make a fortune out of bottling water and selling to a parched world.

So if we give a good retirement allowance to members of parliament then we should not have them making money on the side otherwise the law making becomes their personal fund maker apparatus.

And so it becomes rich to have business people in legislation or judisarry or executive.

So justice minister or police minister and business women and cabinet minister musts makes for an interesting MP selection to head to the anti corruption conference.

This video sums up how the public is feeling defending the goal mouth in a penalty shoot out on a football match. If it was not so seriously it would be laughable

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Three weeks early introduction of TPPA as media say 3,000 employees in print media could merge

Timing is everything in politics

Miss being nominated and you fall by the wayside.

In the case of twenty (20) trillion dollars of crown minerals that the TPPA will rule over we see the media distracted.

Yes the TPPA will not get any media in depth coverage.

Talk about a cat in amongst the pigeons 

The cabinet wants a clear run for TPPA as the ministers front run the water supply nursery for bottle water we see disgraced Justice Minister back in the headlines and back in cabinet this time over bottle water.

If you know TPPA is coming in then you know lobby personnel too.

Teams of "people" come down from the USA to advise.

And as an English speaker I do have patriotism for the language and would make my life easy if the minerals were kept in English speakers hands we also have to look at other considerations.

So it is a balancing act.

My suggestion is bump up royalties to 34% come back to the people who live around the Resourse (both locally and thus as a country). At present it is 1% and an increas of 3400% to 34% would bring the matter into line and not have legal disputes in future.

Take for example the Right. hon. Jim Buldger government that removed H1 tantalised timber from the building code deregulation. Lawyers for leaky homes had lots of work. Council went into debt and the current government created a financial instrument to trades that debt of council on the stock market. As world currencies head into hyper inflammation then why not purchase share in council debt backed by people being tossed out of their houses.

So watch this space as the digital media fill the ranks of accredited journalists.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

8K video Baraka

Seeing is believing.

8 K video was made from a 1992 70mm film Baraka.

Baraka provided the frames to scan 12 seconds each into 8K

The 1.5 hour long video can be seen on YouTube. 

I found Baraka name here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/8K_resolution#

And followed up with a search in the YouTube footage.

Good headphones, iPad pro 12.9 inch screen, and it is amazing.

The technology for 8k video cameras is just emerging.


So why leap over 4K and have an 8K camera?

Well the ideal camera would be 

8K 240 frames per second.
4K 1000 frames per second
1080p 10,000 frames per second

Monday, 9 May 2016

Panama Papers

Breaking news has seen the Prime Minister avoid media engagements. 

Lawyers lobby to minister to quash review.

One lawyer in particular handles the prime ministers personal affaires.

Not looking kosha.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Slither the Panama Papers

Slither got me off the couch from my Raspberry Pi3.

Only to sit at another smaller couch to watch my son of 13 years on slither.io iPad pro as he passed 8th place.

This game was seen two days earlier as a YouTube video he was watching and listening to others comment.

When I looked into the Apps Store it was downloadable. And I enjoyed my first games.

That night it was found and played by the boy and we gathered to have turns.

But the real fun now comes in the morning were we each have an iPad (air, pro) each and challenge each other to see who can get the high score.

This morning we both got onto the same server and met in the middle to team tag.

So to more important matter...

61,000 Panima Papers relate to New Zealand. Staple Rodway was mention with one from their 12,000 times and another working with that company slightly less but these two making up over 10% of the mentions.

Of the 215,000, 15 were from New Zealand according to the Prime Minister John Key.

On an other matter 20 tonne of rubbish has been organised by Bill Simpson for a water way clean up in Christchurch. 

That is a round up of the interesting news.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Higher salaries commission in New Zealand

Council was given a report that 2.5% increase in councillors and Mayors pay is recommended.

Of is that the upper limit?

SWDC had already budgeted this increase bust short of $4,000 over $370,000 to this maximum limit.

So status quo would give this increase as it was already built in.

To max out the upper limit would only require an extra $4,000.

Cr Bill Machen suggested no increase of 2.5%.

How ever option two was adopted so $4,000 extra was not needed.

Mayor gets over $90,000

Deputy Mayor close to $60,000

Councils around $25,000

To be paid $300 per hour it takes about 100 hours of work.

So with meeting every two weeks 100 hours divided by 52 weeks = 2 hour meeting.

May 5th 2016 the meeting started at 10am and broke for lunch around noon.

Some councillors have had leaves of absence that are long.

Also at hearing times we have two days and workshops so $300 per hour is a little on the high side.

But for the deputy mayor it is at this level.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

How to fluoridate your water supply and tax sugary drinks

Ppm is parts per million.

If you have a tax rate at parts per million then after earning one million dollars you pay one dollar.

Or in other words if you earn $10,000 the one cent is owed at 1ppm.

Fluoridation in water at 0.7 ppm you can now understand The quantity talked about

Next we look at the recommended level of Fluride in water 0.7ppm to 1.2ppm off the Minstry of Health website.

In 2012 5.4% of the world had fluoridated water supplies. And 200 million of those were in the USA. The other 235 million elsewhere in the world. In New Zealand 50% of the population in 2016 have added or regulated fluoridation.

An excess of Fluride happens naturally in some world wide water supplies. And these upsets teeth formation and Bone formation in early life while also upsetting adults pineal gland function.

The use of iodine in salt can increase a population avers Iq by 15 IQ points is lacking this trace element.

Fluride works on hardening the enamel on teeth if within levels mentioned above.

Turn now to sugary drinks.

We have sugary food that if not brushed off teeth immediately will rot teeth enamel to the root in short order in children and adults.

This salts, fats and sugars added to food to promote quantity sales has impacted in the top 5% of wealthy western waste lines (obesity) and upsets the life expectancy when combined with alcohol, tobacco smoking and lack of exercise.

So I say to you a tax on sugary drinks will do much for children's teeth development.

Let's see how.

Water filled with sugar and colour and carbon dioxide is just dilute sugar into children's mouths and teeth will became acidic if no flushing this off from the teeth with brushing and rinceing.

So a tax on available drinks would need to work our the concentration of children in the area of fast food outlets.

C = children concentration in percentage of population.

In other words not tax on sugary drinks in old folks home if children are not consuming that source old sugar water.

a = concentrations of alternatives as a percentage . Next the tax will have to consider alternatives sold also. For example a litre of milk sold for $3 and a lite of soda pop sold for $0.5. You see one is health giving to children and the other rots teeth and promotes other ills. In other words a vending machines that sells $2 can of cola has to compete with a 10 cent can do chilled flaviored milk.

So the tax on sugar drinks goes to offset sales of children's milk.

Sugar drink tax percentage = C/a

Old folk home C = 0.0 concentration of children no tax on sugar drinks
Swimming pool vending machine C=1 (all children ) a = 0.0 (no alternatives)

SDT = 1/0% tax on sugar drinks. So vending machine is priced out unless a = 0.5 or less. More cheap alternatives that are milk.


Tuesday, 3 May 2016

F the water supply (in other words what is Fluride levels in world water supply)

Seems a bit of a look is needed into the actual numbers.

5.4% of the people in the world have regulated water supplies for Fluride.

"Public water fluoridation was first practiced in the U.S.[16] As of 2012, 25 countries have artificial water fluoridation to varying degrees, 11 of them have more than 50% of their population drinking fluoridated water. A further 28 countries have water that is naturally fluoridated, though in many of them the fluoride is above the recommended safe level.[17] As of 2012 about 435 million people worldwide received water fluoridated at the recommended level (i.e., about 5.4% of the global population).[17] About 214 million of them living in the United States.[18] Major health organizations such as the World Health Organization and FDI World Dental Federation supported water fluoridation as safe and effective.[19] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists water fluoridation as one of the ten great public health achievements of the 20th century in the U.S.[20] " ref Wikipedia.

So 435 million people in 2012 have F moderated drinking water.

For a local town of 12,243 people.

In a distinct of 24,000 people 50% relieve F moderated water.

Monday, 2 May 2016

(PI3) Raspberry Pi 3 CPU heat sink test

When it comes to learning something new like computer programming a video comes along at the right time that really stands out as a valuable ten minutes of your time..

If I was to teach a person or class what I know then this video would be the start of the class demonstration and then test at the end of the year that all members of that class know most of what is covered while excelling the gifted and entertaining the retarded.

The best class I ever observed was by a teacher Gary Lintercole who taught a Summer school class were a historical story of a dream was explained a group of adults with youth surrounding the young children in the class who helped weave a small flax fish. 

The youth if board with the adult talk were instead entertained with helping the children texterity weaving the flax.

This video here

Is a demonstration of the new CPU temperature on the Raspberry Pi3. The central processing unit CPU

A YouTube tutorial that contains much of value in a small period of time.
The structure includes BASH file programming of the raspberry pi3 down to just putting your finger tip on the chip set in the mother board to sense the temperature.

Testing a simple thing (CPU) heat generation, when four cores of the processor all being used used, in a factorising mathematical problem, that takes about two minutes,  and repeated five times, to make up the ten minute test.

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Northfork (2003) with James Woods is a movie

Set in a flood plane of a new hydro dam.

Residents are invited to relocate.

The number dwindles to a few.

This is where the movie goes into the supra normal. (Aka wings)

Dressed in black a group of cars are driven by a body of males to visit homes and discuss the benefits of moving out in exchange for all manner of considerations.

Who is actor james woods 
See here as a letterman interview http://youtu.be/b9rYSOWmt-w

And on a political note.