Tuesday, 24 May 2016

MMP and the green vote and people living in cars as solo mothers and children

If first past the post electoral system was still in place and we as New Zealand never had Mixed Member Proportional Representstion then would solo mothers be living in cars with children and be charged 200 dollars a day debt for a motel room?

Big question

But after TPPA we can not go back on the deals done in New Zealand name under MMP.

Regardless of how bad the deal is for citizens in New Zealand.

It is a travesty to have solo mothers in cars with children.

Well done to Marae who offer 100 places. 

At 200 dollars per night that is $20,000 per day in good will the Marae is extending.

But long term we have local councils turning their back on the problem.

I know because I asked in submission hearings to south Waiakto district council for 18,000 new section to be developed to attract 6,000 new residents to the district asked between 18 years and 35 years old. While giving all resident aged 18-65 a ballot place for a freehold section in the district.

Yes and it was ignored to go spend some reserve money $2.7 million to alter the car parking off state highWay one in Tokoroa as the first stage of a three stage 20 year project.

Total loss of priority.

Look at Leith Place blog yesterday to see the video of how it was deliberated after submissions.

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