Thursday, 5 May 2016

Higher salaries commission in New Zealand

Council was given a report that 2.5% increase in councillors and Mayors pay is recommended.

Of is that the upper limit?

SWDC had already budgeted this increase bust short of $4,000 over $370,000 to this maximum limit.

So status quo would give this increase as it was already built in.

To max out the upper limit would only require an extra $4,000.

Cr Bill Machen suggested no increase of 2.5%.

How ever option two was adopted so $4,000 extra was not needed.

Mayor gets over $90,000

Deputy Mayor close to $60,000

Councils around $25,000

To be paid $300 per hour it takes about 100 hours of work.

So with meeting every two weeks 100 hours divided by 52 weeks = 2 hour meeting.

May 5th 2016 the meeting started at 10am and broke for lunch around noon.

Some councillors have had leaves of absence that are long.

Also at hearing times we have two days and workshops so $300 per hour is a little on the high side.

But for the deputy mayor it is at this level.

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