Wednesday, 31 August 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 34 Days to go till close of polls

This looks at two people with legal training. Much of council governance requires good judgement. 
So well trained mines, mature experience, recognised ability, selfless devotion, and unquestioned loyalty.

Let's see how these two work in with the Tirau Deputy Mayor debates.


With Marin science degree is a big plus. Arama is from a talented family as her brother was the school teacher who coached the youth from Tokoroa school in impromptu debating to win the Lions speach competition for the whole. Of New Zealand and wins an all expenses paid trip to the USA for 6 weeks.

Both these candidates attend grass roots meetings and lend support and have a good feed with you in a social setting. This perhaps comes from being with grass roots people on a day to day work level and also being the Officer of the Court mantle with them. 

The Tokoroa Club gains support from Marin's work place for legal services at better quality for less price (when they could charge they don't)

Arama in her work has drawn up papers to support local groups that welcome new people and businesses to the South Waikato in the past and use her skills for community good.

So do you want to see these two at the Tirau hall deputy mayor debates (3) and perhaps ask Arama's brother to be an MC for the night on one of the debates as he teaches debating at Tokoroa School. So if you do wish this MC if he is available he will be most welcome to MC a night in Tirau Hall and receive a Koha for his service to good open political debate.

Now our profile today is on one of the mayoral candidates who can not work out how to STV rank deputy mayoral candidates from the 28 ward candidates. In all fairness Jenny may have misunderstood the question. Or Jenny may have been shy to say. Or Jenny already knows who her deputy mayor will be but does not want to influence his election chances. (They served together on the CEO performance committee that is made up of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and a first time cadidate)

"Like me" works with and for our community. Yes Jenny the debates in Tirau Hall are exactly that. Working with and for the community. But you opted out.
To continue to knock down the Love Soup Kitchen is not a continuance I would advocate. Leith place has three stages and is untimely so no a total rethink of the past four Mayoral Terms is needed.

Local government experience is gain by doing a political science degree at university. 

"I will find ways to make things happen" Not always what we are looking for. Ask donations for Putaruru Business awards. Hire advertisers on a radio station you manage for advertising to provide flowers for payment. Then sign up the advertiser for another term. Worked so well we now have a Tokoroa Business awards and the CEO of council was your boss at the radio station. The radio station was unhappy they lost a good man.

I do like this statement and hope any council advocates it "I will work for a safe unified district with new businesses, more jobs and more growth to provide the platform for our district where people want to come and live."

However you have not said anything about the people who already live here and like the town the way it is and Lieth Place as it it and do not want consultants telling them what to do and where to park for $21 million some say the three stages of Lieth place will finally cost. All for a coat of paint on the toilets and to prune the trees we get all the trees knocked down and the toilet demolished. 

When youth get tourism training does that mean they are part of the 700 net that left South waikato over the 5 year census period. So you want new people in and those living here out?

The environment was mentioned. The smog in Tokoroa and your 9'years at deputy mayor is as bad as ever. The team over that time you price has little or no science training or engineering training the the smog shows. So we give you a thumbs down on air quality. 

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 36 Days to go till close of polls


The winner of the Tirau Hall Mayoral debates, with 35 days to go to Polls, is Tracey Deane.
Congradulations Tracey Deane. 

Mayoral debates in Tirau Hall require at least two Mayoral Candidates to stay in the race and provide STV ranked list of the 28 Ward candidates as preferred Deputy Mayor.

Jarrad Gallagher (pictured below) withdrew late last night. Broke email silence after a question about the airfield was posed to both  Tracy Deane and Jarrad Jarrad Gallagher. More on that later.
Jarrad is now out of the Tirau Mayoral debate following Jenny and Alan to decline.

The third and final Mayoral candidate pulling out last night from the Tirau Mayoral Debate. Still with 35 days to go to polls close. Jarrad Gallagher (below) is out and his reasons are printed here by quoting  his email replay. In his own words.
"I am not in a position to rank candidates for councillors and will not be available for debate." J.G.

Winner is Tracey Deane. 

However the purpose of the debate is to find out who of the 28 ward Candiates will be Deputy Mayor material. To have the candidates demonstrate knowledge of STV voting. To explain Single Transferable Voting to the community. To demonstrate it in action. Ranking candidates is never easy but for Tirau Hall Debate it goes like this...
1. Tracey Deane
2. Jarrad Gallagher
3. Jenny Shattock
4. Alan Blair

 Alan, Jenny and now Jarrad have adopted a wait out and see approach. 

Not at all good approached, with social media driving the debate preparation, to wait out and see. The dilemmas that faces the district are many and the public want to see who will be proactive.

If you have children at home asking mum and dad for assistance in getting started. Status Quo is not good as the Governemnt is finding out with structural problems in the housing market. 

Adopting a Wait and see approach does not grasp the opportunities open to all of South Waikato.

How to attract 6,000 18-35 year olds with skills and job creation abilities to our district. A wait out and see approach does not give 18-65 year olds in the district hope of owning a free hold section to build a future upon. 

Where else on the planet can locals go to start that dream! Auckland? 

No stay right here and elect a Mayor that is in to "work for you". 

A wait out and see is just more of the same you have been experiencing.  

Also Jarrad did not ask the 28 ward candidates for help before opting out. Too Shy perhaps to email. Or afraid after the race would hurt his prospects to do business of building houses if seen to be uppity? Falling in behind the other three need the 28 ward Councillors to pick them up and dust them off and reschool mayoral candidates prone to inaction to continue the race.

Get along to go along in the district would need council aquiesence. 

So is Jarrad putting his toe in the water for Mayalty to help with his business interests of building house and just  to get publicity for $200 down? Let's give all three the benefit of the doubt. Stepping up to Mayor is a small step for human kind but one giant leap too far for many.

First mayoral candidate to balk was Alan Blair by stating he would not open his emails on the Mayoral Debates.

Then it was Jenny Shattock out next in the Mayoral debates citing unable to STV the ward candidates before the debates or before the election. No questions were ask of me on the process of the debates or on how to help. Non-engagement the same as Jarrad and Alan,  just out.

So with three Mayoral candidates opting out of the Mayoral debates in Tirau hall the winner of the process is Tracey Deane.

What was the question the spooked Jarrad? Airport video question. And what did Tracey say to that very same question. See the video down below. Click to play the blue writing.

Jarrad Gallagher's email reply from the official email address supplied by the Returning Officer of the election

"Kia Ora Rod Young.

Your interest and energy in South Waikato are identified in your emails.

Thank you for bringing to my attention issues that you have identified. When I am able I do read your emails.

To answer your previous request, I am not in a position to rank candidates for councillors and will not be available for debate.

After the elections, if I am elected as Mayor or not, I would like to meet with your organisation ‘Community Youth Development’. Can you give me more information about the organisation.


Now the airfield question.

Here was what was sent to Tracey and Jarrad at the time that two remaining Mayoral candidates were  in the Tirau Mayoral Hall debate. Tracey won be default as Alan, Jenny and Now Jarrad declined.

The airfield question is now to 28 Ward Candidates and you can comment on the video from your YouTube accounts to answer this question as deputy mayor standing in as Mayor.

Tirau Mayoral debate. So who is out now. Alan, Jenny and Jarrad.

Yes Jarrad Gallagher and Tracey Deane were asked the AirField question by the fifth Mayoral candidate (feature of the video and who decided to wait out the Mayoral racing for a year or so to develop his residuals online businesses.) Jarrad folded his hand for the Tirau debates but if explained and shown STV perhaps may come along and help a ward candidate get elected with the same vision. 

Jenny and Alan, who were part of the airfield decisions making process over the past 6 years, sitting around the table, and we see where we are today, can well answer any questions and they have governance experience. Bylaws on drone flying are scheduled for updating by council in the new year and is first items of business for the new council.

A new Mayor would need an judiciously find a solution to develop business in South Waikato and electronics is one of the big futures.  Ever since Nicolai Tesla harnessed alternating current electrical generation have we develop in the electronics industry and computing. The question is asked by a world leader who lives in South Waikato on Drone development. 

But Jarrad being in the opting out is actually being out of developing solutions to encouraging voting. And the other two are out also thus taking participation to a new low Jenny and Alan. 

What promotes Tracey Deane to be keen on developing a STV list of deputy Mayor candidates? Capacity perhaps from these results. 

So now comes the pivot. 

It is now the 28 Ward Candidates turn to be profiled in the context of the Tirau Deputy Mayoral debate for Deputy Mayor. 

We see the need for a good Deputy Mayor and a need to show case off the Mayoral candidates.

 So like the Speaker in Parliament, the Speaker of the house who is reluctantly and must be taken to the speakers chair in Parliament by tradition  it is now the 28 ward Candiates who must arise and usher in the Mayoral candidates for the Deputy Mayor debates!

Action for the community to see the Deputy Mayoral candidates for the Tirau Hall Mayoral debates to showcase for Deputy Mayor. 

First question to the 28 Ward Candiates "Will you emailed the four mayoral candidates and tell them what you think over the handling of the Tirau mayoral debates so far".

Time to pick up the phone and call the other candidates. Or email. But action is needed to be shown to the next Mayor to pick you as Deputy and for the community to vote you in as highest polling candidate. 

Monday, 29 August 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 35 Days to go till close of polls

Well some days the Internet really surprises you and today that day returned for me preparing for the Tirau Hall Mayoral and ward candidate debates.

This link in blue (just press it) has a ploy to break a third party into the USA two party election system.

And if you were wondering who William Weld is he is a Governor on the VP ticket for the Libertarian party. In other words the day the Deputy Mayor is now selected is the same as in a Presidential Election. And we see from one mayoral candidate profile we will look at tomorrow who selection of VP or deputy mayor will be setting up committees as we see with ministerial positions in central Governemnt cabinet. However the three branches of government (judicial, legislative and executive) are not served by the council acting as an executive. No cabinet is not a correct use of council. Council is the legislative body for the community. 

And Willian Weld is the VP option for Johnson.

So what does this have to do with
Social media is the correct answer.

The days of putting up signs on the highway and purchasing an advertisement in the news paper are over. Those are still very powerful and you neglect them early and well at your peril but social media is how political diets are now constructed. 

The cross pollination of the USA election for President is amplifying the social media effect and affect in the South Waikato Mayoral race. More on that latter but let's get back to our ward Candiates.

First uber cab off the rank is a person with a well trained mind, mature experience, recognised ability, selfless devotion and unquestioned loyalty as see by the years he has educated the community members in South Waiakto in his long career as a school teacher.

But I will say the pokie machines are like the plug in your bath that you knock as you get in and the hot water runs out as you can not reseat it properly, Murray as a Member of the Tokoroa Club mist not put the profits of the club from pokie machines before the welfare of the community when it comes to strictly enforcing the sinking lid policy on pokie machines in south waikato district. A number of candidates are just seeking election to influence the Pokie machines and I trust Murray is a greater candidate in regards to this than others standing. We will be quizzing the worst offenders regarding pokie machines latter. 

One of the twenty six ward candidates. Murray Robson 
Perhaps at the top of the Deputy Mayor STV list for some Mayoral candidate?

Let's look and see if you agree with this apracy. 

Murray Robson built a lovely lifestyle block house north of Tokoroa as retirement approached. 
Murray offers a path to others on how to live a good life and work smart and hard. 
A good keen kiwi bloke who is offering to give you his insights into early childhood education. 
That is right Murray has a great story on what it is to be a leader of young and youthful minds. 
He is pragmatic, philosophical, and humourious. 

But you also know he has a stern side to him on what is uncompromisingly right (correct). 

Always has a smile and a witty retort in a good naturally way. 

And that was gleaned before he stood as a candidate for council. 

He offers a male option to Brenda Watkins who has a simlar professional background but Brenda Watkins was dropped from council like Alan Blair was dropped from council three years ago. 

Brenda has a flash car and took for granted getting back in. 

So we know Brenda, like the other two mayoral Candiates with flash campaign cars, Jenny and Alan, have had the stink of the community dropping them way down the list.  All three are clawing to get get back in the race with painted up cars. Can a dropped off former Councilor really change its spots. Or would a fresh face is Murray Robson bring in all the same skills plus more.

Brenda has does a good job with TCCOS reporting back to council but got its funding cut down to $20,000. A body that attracts funding from central Governemnt agencies needs more support from council not less. $2.6 million for leith place children's play ground would be better spent in part on TCCOS and Brenda Wattkins was unconvincing to a heartless council. So would her teaching skills be better than Murray only the voter can say.

So a new face in Murry Robson surfaces. The public like to replace a worn out tooth brush that still have a good handle to a new car door handle look for a bush that has good straight Bristles. Murry Robson is that new bush and would be a good Deputy Mayor choice if you wanted a wise person to consult with and k owns how to run a Board meeting for the best for our children and young families. He is not a radio station advertisement sales manager, nor is Murray a safety person riding around on a push bike putting his nose into other people's building projects and getting them delayed and costing $1,000s of dollars. Jenny and Alan have passed up Murray Robson in the Tirau Debates by not agreeing to support social media community engagement.

So who out of Jarrad and Tracey who will put Murray Robson up the top of the STV list for the first of three Tirau Hall debates!

Let the others do the debates Alan.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 37 Days to go till close of polls
History of debates in the USA elections. (What do we have to compare in South Waikato)

And we have in this video a good example of what a Mayor and Deputy mayor South Waikato may sound like perhaps. Not look alike.

And our Mayoral candidate of focus today is Jarrad Gallagher.
Jarrad Gallagher has something to do with 7s rugby.


Let's look back over the contenders Jarrad is up against: Alan, Jenny and Tracey Can you tell who is ?who?
Hint Jarrad does not look like this guy. The other two are Jenny (left)  and Tracey (right)
If a candidate puts a big picture on a small car and a big head on a smart body you get Electrifying results.

How back to Jarrad...

It is fine not to live in the district f you have what it takes to do what? Let's see from the profile.

"Confidence" to run a good meeting procedure and "excitement" to build sevens rugby in the world perhaps.

South Waikato doe have the epicentre of the best genetic stock for sports. Fast twitch fibers in muscle that let us have Vallery Adams of the Shot put fame and her brother of USA basket ball all have to do with fast twitch muscle fibers selected for in water based travel over the pacific islands. The ability to keep war min water also allowed for explosive acceleration in sport better than elsewhere in the world. What does the Candiates say about Swimming pool entry at 10cent per person (showing a south waikato library card to prove residancy i. District). All school aged children is good work place training  and to get all learning to swim and get fit is a core business of concil who once funded the pools 95% and 5% user pays in 2010. Jenny Sattock advocated to put the pool prices up 400% in 2010 and full council supported this, Jeff Gash has questioned why a drop of 10% each year of people attending the pools.

Working internationally Jarrad says he has done this for 16 years.  Experience of new ways by living out of the district. So we get a guy that sees all faces new for the first time and treatsthen the same. Jarrad is open to good ideas and Jarrad will welcome good business plans from the community with a fresh international perspective perhaps. Jarrad offers wisdom in a meritocracy we would hope.

Making a difference so when it comes to changes to the distinct plan he will consider community youth development first. 

How about Jarrad reads over 10 years of past submissions the council currently has ignored. Like this one. 18,000 new sections for south waikato district. This submission got proposed to attract 6,000 18-35 year olds to the districts and stop the declining numbers. The incentive in the submission was a $5 ballot for a section. Now locals would also like 12,000 sections for the 18-65 year old to be balloted for $5. If you live in the district and are in the age group 18-65 then you qualify for the ballot regardless if you own or not. A submission at the last Special Consultative procedure Council heard submissions on. Cr Jeff Gash said "it is a rediculious idea". But here we have a Mayoral Candidate wanting to build homes in South Waikato and Jarrad wants to build a future. So would Jarrad pick Jeff Gash as deputy mayor with these comments to a submission that wants to raise the wealth of locals by $1 billion dollars? This idea for a man who builds houses in Tokoroa will be listened to if he tells us he vision. 

A house for all 18-65 (to live in or rent to an old Auckland couple coming down) is a good way to raise the wealth of South Waikato by one billion dollars. Let's see how Jarrad talks about this in the Trau Hall debates looking for a deputy mayor. Allan Blair won open his email and Jenny want attend to talk either so she says. Ask all Candiates how they would change the district plan in council to accomodate a billion dollars equity into the balance sheets of 18-65 year olds in the district. What would you do with 1% of all the rural land in South Waikato if home ownership numbers are declining? Ask Jarrad to explain his ideas and how he will support the locals who built the infrastructure that is now being purchased for fire sale prices by Auckland investors paying off the Australian banks. Ask a good question of the Candiates. 

You miss your Oppertunity is a new fresh face is not asked the right questions. Under the current council you will lose your parks and trees and when you need a healing and helping hand love soup will be bowled over at the sports and events centre. Will Jarrad rebuild the East Bowling club, the highland band HQ and the other buildings demolished recently and then extend a welcoming hand back to Jullie King to came back to Soth Waikato is a forgotten super hero. Will Jarrad do this?

South Waikato 2016 Election special 38 Days to go till close of polls


Here is what an other candidate wrote first to me after getting the email. 

Tracy wrote in first with

"Hi Rod

I am happy to participate. I have only briefly read the email and haven't quite got my head around it - but it looks very interesting. 

I'll get back to you. 

Best regards
Tracey Deane"

Tracy was first. 

Jenny second.

 Alan's feedback had to be tracked down and asked on the street. 

Jarrad has not responded so is last in the line up of four mayoral candidates but no answer is consent so we may find his list of 26 names ranked in STV in first of all four.

So for being first let's look at Tracey again and what Tracey has written.

Now we see where the New Paper South Waikato news paraphrase Tracey with the big difference comment. It means that 10 years under Neil and Jenny knocking over the Love soup kitchen building with Craig HOBBS hand is over. 600 signatures to keep an intercity park from developers to be sold off latter will be listened to. Tracey say do Jenny and Neil enough to farmers on big farms passing their rates bills off on to the swimming pools and stopping families teaching their children to swim or big farms harmonising rates over the rural sector so that family farmers can't empty new young people to train them in their ways and instead work old men to the bone and grave taking all that wonderfull skill and equity into probate.

"We have work to do" so education times Oppertunity to the power of two equals energy

Mayor Sinclair has not been a leader when we see more pokie machines going into Pokets and Wendy Cook standing again for council to vote on the gambling legislation this term. Wendy Cook knows south waikato has a sinking Lind policy so when Tirau and Putaruru close down it is not about bringing the numbers of pokie machenies up innTokoroa what can lease afford them. Redistributed the movie machines instead into the rural milking sheds of the district indeed so if a person wants to play they can get up at 3 am in the Morning to bring the cows in and milk them and play the slots. So Mayor Niel 
Did not lead and nor did the Deputy Jenny vote against Wendy Crocked Cook's plan to disregard public policy. So all three are crooked when it comes to Pokie machine and the public policy hard won. Add in Bill Mechen as an increased vote for pokies in Tokoroa and Cocky Blair who are president of a club that gets half it operating proceeds from pokie machines. Cocky Blair or when he would come to pokies Crocked Blair too ingnoring public Policy and letting Pockets pocket more pokie machines into Tokoroa from closed down machines venues in Tirau and Putaruru.

So putting south waikato where it should be is about following public policy and shutting down Pokets for abusing the will and intent of the sinking lid policy on pokie machines in south waikato. They have broken the intent of the public policy to reduce machines in south waikato and so must atone for the wilful neglect Wendy cook shows to public policy and Gaul to stand for council for Pokets interests. That is not unquestioned loyalty nor is it selfless devotion on Wendy cook, Bill Mechen or Alan Blairs part. Who else of the 28 candidates are standing for pokie machines. Who are the money changers that Biblical Christ tossed out of the temple with the wrath we are still talking about today 2,000 years latter, so putting south waikato where it should be is about following good public policy as a council. Not weak leadership of Jenny and Neil have showed by letting Wendy Cook ask for more pokie machines into Pokets and voting more pokie machines to come to Tokoroa while reducing them in the District. The information from universities show the rich areas get rid of pokie machines as shown by machines per person and the dump them on poor people Center as shown by machines per person. At the heart of the past ten years it this insidious theme of bigger thy neibour with regressive rates the district over. Gag they critic wirh public excluded meetings is another weak leadership trait for Mayor Neil and Deputy Jenny.

"How" simple the mayor just does not put it on the agenda. If the pokie machines issue comes up the agenda misses it. If the Pockets go to court to get it one then get never ending reports showing pokie machines bigger thy brother with 33% increase in tax. 

So we are welcomed to look at linked in to find out more on experience.

Creating futures for our youth can be shown that pokie machines play not part in a community that creates futures for our youth unless playing 8 ball is a scientific endeavour that will stop cadmium accumulation on our land as super phosphate is applied to make the grass grown and will stop diary animals in 15'year time from eating that grass as it accumilates and does not wash out of the soils. If 8 ball educates our youth on the four stomachs a cow has so that animals that have one stomach like humans and horses can not come along after a cow and eat from that heavily policed soil. If 8 ball for our youth says sheep milking and making feta cheese for export is the answer for New Zealand's future or even tourism where people travel to New Zealand to sample the different sheep cheese from the different breed of animals in a home stay situation then 8 ball and pokie machines are not creating the future for our youth. Pokets decision took advantage of weak leadership around the past three years council table as farmers hushed up the environmental damage and towns folk were usurped to pokie machines to keep occupied. Shame of Mayor Neil Sinclair. A traitor to the future of youth when it comes to pokie machines. The greatest concentration of youth is not Tirau nor Putaruru where the pokie machines were lost from but concentrations of youth are in Tokoroa. And 1,000 people mainly young people left town as they vote with their feet as Mayor Sinclair lead them away with his pokie machines ignorance and contemptible atterturdes. 

Tracey will define mayor Sinclair as a Mayor of inaction if elected. Tracy just has to stop things going backwards to be ahead of Mayor Sinclair. So more of the same wirh CEO Hobbs if Governance does not change as its head.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 39 Days to go till close of polls

"The learner always begins by finding fault, but the scholar sees the positive merit in everything."
Elements of the Philosophy of Right (1820) this next video is identifying the joy of finding a candidates poster. The same candidate that said he would not open an email about a Mayoral debate in Tirau Hall. The new style debate was for the population and using social media and what right does a candidate have to turn that Oppertunity down  if the district is going to be apathetic to growth with a person who shuts others down. 

When I drove past this I had to stop and go back and take a photo of it for posting on the blog.

Elections are not won but they are lost. And on Friday night a person or group of persons walking must have picked this sign of all the signs and tossed it from a car or frisbee the thing across the road to lay where it did.

The irony of it laying in a ditch in the gutter was not lost on me when I reflected on my hopes for setting up a mayoral debate in Tirau Hall towards the end of the campaign. 

Crack Head Alan laying in the gutter was what I got from his refusal to open an email addressed to a mayoral candidate. I have spent a decade of my life submitting to council for thinks like Internet in the library free. Tokoroa community board. Limiting pokie machines in the CBD and at the start all were tossed in my face and laughed at. 

I have watched the love soup kitchen be bowled over. I have seen the airport offered to out of town residents who pay not a cent while turning 12,000 people in Tokoroa out from flying a drone in a public park. It all comes down to this sign representing the vested interests of pokie machines and deals outside public gaze. So a person who is rude on the street thinking no one will know is then a viral video sensation say what he thinks no one can hear. And tossed away as a credible candidate by the street walkers late at night. 

The positive merit in writing this is I have found the 28 profiles of the ward Candiates running today. Using the free wifi out at the airfield. Well with permission of the model fliers mentor and a password.

So the candidates are

After reading all the Candiates profiles I can see that from a photo and a 150 word extract that I could not rank 1-28. I have my own personal preference but then I can see others have an equal vote also too so would have to wait till the final votes are counted. Then I read back over my emails and found this reply as a good guide
"Hi Rod, thank you for your invitation. Unfortunately I can’t take up your offer as if I am the Mayor I would need to know who is in council, their strengths and interests before I could fairly make a decision on who I would like as Deputy. 


I do think experienced leadership is important as there will definitely be at least four new councillors around the table, maybe more. Notwithstanding that if I’m Mayor I would interview each successful councillor to find out their preferences as to what portfolio would interest them ie. Youth, Aged, Economic development, Environment, Assets, Transport etc and if any one of the new councillors particularly stood out with strengths in a particular area, I could not ignore that. I would like to marry up the elected members with the areas that interest them the most as I would think that’s where we would get the best value for our district.


So at this stage I don’t know who my preferences would be.


Many thanks for your continued interest in our community.


Kind regards





Jenny Shattock QSM JP


Ph: 07 8868120 / Mobile: 0274 416230


 "However if I was to offer a guideline for selecting a deputy from the 28 if all were elected as that was the hypothetical I would offer it this way.Selecte a person who has 1. Well trained mind2. Mature Experience3. Recognised ability4 Selfless devotion5. Unquestioned loyaltyIf each mayoral Candiates was asked to select one person that they know in each of these categories then what would we find.And if I apply them to the four mayoral Candiates and then look at the combination of all of them then who do I get?It is not my task to say here but only to prompt the readers to consider.
So where does the debates in Tirau now sit.
The mayoral Candiates have two declining. And of the two remaining let's post their bios here. As this is a problem that must be solve before the election and opting out is not an option. So Jenny and Alan have opted out. Jarrad and Tracey are still in the running to make the Tirau Mayoral debates work so the 28 candidates can profile themselves on social media with the two Mayoral Candiates introducing a leadership and vision for the District followed by the 28 ward candidates. (If they choose to attend a community organised event)So the two Candiates still left in the race for a Tirau Hall debate of Mayoral and Ward candidates sharing a vision for south Waikato are. The leaders are...Starting with the newest comer

And the candidate that came a close second to the incumbent three years ago for Mayor

International experience from Jarrad is a good "well trained mind" point. Tracy has that two. The Jenny and Allan do not."Mature experience" comes from working in council as Tracey has and Jarrad working with council to get house built. Governance is not climbing up from TANGS and then kicking the ladder away for others to enter. Governance is not not reading emails and nor is health and safety ignoring whistle blowers."Unquestioned loyalty" can be seen in the youth expo work. Not just living in one place for a long time."Selfless devotion" again with the youth expo work. Not knocking over love soup when Julie king selflessly devoted joining others to remove synthetic highs from the youth hands in the community."Recognised ability" and yes the youth expo event again. Not being Luke warm at the vote after moving a motion in the first place.
So we have to know how the 28 ward Candiates interact with this now. How they contact the mayoral Candiates and push to have the Tirau debates for the social media convenience of the community and voters. It is about the Candiates playing the game. Getting an email the debate is on in the Tirau hall and driving or car pooling and teuning up for the bright lights and cameras.It is also up to you readers and voters to ask the candidates about this "deputy mayor mayoral candidate debate" to. You need to push the Candiates who all got the email to tell you what they understand it means. This blog give you context of it but it is now up to the voters to press the 28 ward Candiates to make it happen. Jenny and Allan are out by their one vision limitations on what social media offers. Jarrad has said nothing and around the council table slence is seen as consent. Tracey has said she has opened the email and have a brief look over it.I do not expect Tracey and Jarrad to work together on this as they are in a race for the contest to be Mayor. But I do expect the 28 ward Candiates to seek out Jarad and Tracey and decide which of the two they would like to support in the debates. Remember as a ward candidate if your preferred mayoral candidates does not get in but you are elected in then the voters may have seen qualities in you that shows you will stand up to the new mayor and confront the new mayor and vote down every agenda item proposed by the new mayor and build consensus around the table to get your agenda items put on the top of the agenda.Just as I as the organiser of the debate have put social media and smart phones front and centre of this election cycle I need mayoral Candiates who support that and do not have inferiority complexes. Both Jenny and Alan have inferiority complexes with regards this debate suggestion and shrink from the challenge.Not leadership.  I am looking for leaders who can serve a good idea, Jenny and Allan blocked and gate kept. That is not governance. Nor is that management. So Jenny and Allan get their names next to the photo on social media of the demolished love soup kitchen of east bowling club site or Jenny and Allan get photo atribution to the sign tossed into the gutter.News paper that wraps the fish and chips is discarded with grease and salt and left overs wrapped up in it. Discarded like the sign in the gutter. Elections are not won they are lost. An on social media pictures or signs in gutters are signs that have lost prominence.What will Jarrad and Tracey be saying in the Tirau Hall and what will 28 ward candidates do to turn up to speak to the forum. Remember social media is for 61% who do not engage and do not vote. Why. Because the past ten years have been giving to vested interest groups passing through South Waikakto and not to those that Iive here as one candidate for the Tokoroa ward said. Who was that will you please email me as I would like to congraduate you.

Friday, 26 August 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 40 Days to go till close of polls

How much is land in the South Waikato. This video was a presentation to council. and just so you know that what follows is true and correct these meetings are able to be attended by the public and at them the follow information is gleaned.

Who will be the First Lady or first man of the mayoralty?

Because the last Mayor did not have a partner and this moderating influence in a First Lady position would not have let the love soup be demolished like the below picture shows it has. So let's get to know who the spouses to the Mayoral job may be.

This video sets the stage.
Clinton Cash. This video sets the stage for you as voters in South Waikato to be on the look out for using political connections overstepping the mark.

Closer to home and how the business awards in Putaruru would get money from donations organised by Jenny with the hat of Councilor or Deputy Mayor on council and then at the time as marketing manager at the radio station would get business awards services done by advertisers on the radio station and pay the money at the same time renewing their advertising contracts with the radio station. Now no longer working for radio Jenny focused on deputy Mayor.

 It worked so well that a Tokoroa Business awards was set up also and the boss at the radio station Craig HOBBS  became the new CEO of the South Waikato District Council. 

Jenny's sister became the new manager of the new events centre.

Her niece won a $25,000 Mayoral Scholarship to go to university while both her parents had full time good paying jobs at the South Waikato District Council. Many other students  got far better markes with far higher potential (to do PhD or become a Professor) in the community and could not go because this Oppertunity was given to a candidate that already had parents who could pay for it. 

 Mean while the love soup kitchen people were made homeless and the building (East Bowling club) centre was demolished to the ground. See photo taken Saturday 27August 2016.

 Juilei King left town in sadness at broken promises and broken commitments by council under Deputy Mayor Shattock and CEO Craig HOBBS. 

And just because the people using the event centre car park were coming to Love Soup kitchen and were not the corporate type hiring the centre, at 80% rates payer subsidies, from the Deputy Mayor Jenny's sister it was pushed over. The place has been destroyed. 

Julie king helped get synthetic highs out of our community and assisted in the nation wide law changes and our town bulldozed her building and pushed away the very rate payers who can not afford the 20% user pays at the sports and event centre to used it. 

Was it true that Jenny's sister, as Manager of the Sports and Event Centre, felt threatened that the free uses of east bowling club was the reason the numbers were down at the sports and event centre?

Perhaps that Sports and event centre gets $300,000 subsidy a year to pay her salary from rates payers Money and the two sisters pushed the Mayor and council to push love soup away so hard they even pushed their building over? They huffed and they puffed and they blew the building over just like the she wolf in the three little pigs story. People would do the food cooking in the love soup commercial kitchen and take it to the sports and event centre. A mean streak runs through what has happened. Knocking over love soups building to herd people away from where they want to congregate. What is next for a Jenny/HOBBS council? Perhaps the football (soccer) club at Strathmore park. Strathmore park is wanted for a container port. Flat and ready for an expansion. Have you seen the new Soccor goals by the cricket club? Current governance is picking the cherries out of the parks and reserves and selling it off to leasees at the ultimate cost of public assets. Playing fast and lose with other people's assets. Experience or ENTITALMENT.

 But look at Central Park in New York City. A lovely asset and so should Strathmore park become a lovely asset as the town of Tokoroa grows.

Under the current deputy mayor the 370 Ha of parks and reserves in South Wakato District are under attack. Attack to knock down historic trees and remove public spaces for pet projects and this included love soup kitchen being distroyed. Trees have gone missing and even the ones in leith place are slated to go under the axe of the current Deputy Mayor and the concocted business association for manufactured consent. Ignoring the people and forcing the issue. Well this election if you get a vote take it. Change means progress. Things either grow or decline as they never stay the same. 

(I know the following as I sat in the full council and watched the full council take submissions from Pokets - this video will show what it takes to knock trees down in a park - going against 600 signed petition not wanting it as full council ignores the public will of the locals and disregards them so an election campaign can have a sound bite that pentimento housing was built. Yes build it but not on park land is what the community said.) But some supported it and for a balanced presentation here you have this video on perhaps why 600 people who objected were over looked (Councilor beings supporters views to the table in a true representative way)

Tokoroa pokie machine numbers have grown as Tirau and Putaruru pokie machine venues close down. Council is consolidating pokie machines numbers to increase in Tokoroa against the spirit of a sinking lid. The pokie machines growth are with Wendy Cook and her large pockets. Alan Blair was a club president with Pokie Machine links too as was Bill Machen all standing in this election with their hands in their pockets feeding pokie machines. It's a 33% extra tax on the community to central government on many already taxed. And the other 66% is lost from the community also with very little coming back. So love soup building gets bowled over and more pokie machines go in 79m from a child nursary which breaches the 100m minimum rule as council breaks all its own rules again tying its shoe laces together. The link to pokie machines and council has caught out a past deputy mayor of council before. So to sink the lid of pokie machines do not vote those standing to for clubs that have pokie machines. Past presidents of the Tokoroa Club are standing for Mayor and for Council. Pockets too has its representatives nominated. Crocked thinking on pokie machines clouds all other judgements. How else would the Tokoroa numbers of pokie machines go up when we have a sinking lid policy from your submissions. CEO Hobbs does not make a press release to tell you and embarrass elected members when the spirit of the policies are Abused by poor management. No it is go along to get along. What to the spouse of the mayoral Candiates think of the pokie numbers going up in Tokoroa under deputy mayor Jenny?

My questions to the mayoral Candiates

Jenny who is your spouse? What is his name?

Tracey does your husband play the digiarydoo (musical instrument known to the Auctralian Aborigonies and is made of a Ming pipe that vibrates sound with the movement of the human breath and shape of the mouth)

Alan have you been a bachelor all your life (a man who never takes a wife in the legal sense of marriage and so does not offer to the community a spouse to help with duties of the city state)

Jarrad how many children do you have (assuming a man who likes sevens rugby is the salt of the earth and as part of that would be a family man)

Note the above picture was arrange to minimised the large head size of one Candiates the South Wakato news front page news paper this week (SWN 24 August 2016 page 1.). Also it was arranged so unlike the news paper one picture is not leading the others nor a candidate at the back of the bus so to speak either by the editors of the news paper.

Let's look at these questions.
Jarrad Gallager 
I was asked his Jarrad has a sister who works up at the TokoroaHigh School.
Good question let me find out.

 Allan Blair
I was asked if so and so was Allan's girlfriend? Well I do not know. And if that girlfriend would be beside Allan on his trips over seas to visit the sister cities. I do not know. Alan has never introduced himself and any marriage partner. But that does not mean he may not in the future. But for now the question is our as to who the First Lady would be under an Allan Mayoralty.

Tracey is married and at public events when Tracey plays the drums in music bands I have been introduced to Tracey's husband. In fact I have seen and heard his musical ability also and it is good. He can keep a beat and offer a melody on the musical instruments.

Jenny Shattock is married and has a couple of grown up sons. I have seen Jenny and her has and talking to Craig HOBBS the CEO at the kites over Tokoroa event. Holding hands and walking among the kites they look a happy couple. 

Jenny next to cone her husband beside her.

Jenny talking to Neil

Neil (hands behind his back, Jenny (between her husband and Neil)

Inflating balloon