How much is land in the South Waikato. This video was a presentation to council. and just so you know that what follows is true and correct these meetings are able to be attended by the public and at them the follow information is gleaned.
Because the last Mayor did not have a partner and this moderating influence in a First Lady position would not have let the love soup be demolished like the below picture shows it has. So let's get to know who the spouses to the Mayoral job may be.
This video sets the stage.
Clinton Cash. This video sets the stage for you as voters in South Waikato to be on the look out for using political connections overstepping the mark.
Closer to home and how the business awards in Putaruru would get money from donations organised by Jenny with the hat of Councilor or Deputy Mayor on council and then at the time as marketing manager at the radio station would get business awards services done by advertisers on the radio station and pay the money at the same time renewing their advertising contracts with the radio station. Now no longer working for radio Jenny focused on deputy Mayor.
It worked so well that a Tokoroa Business awards was set up also and the boss at the radio station Craig HOBBS became the new CEO of the South Waikato District Council.
Jenny's sister became the new manager of the new events centre.
Her niece won a $25,000 Mayoral Scholarship to go to university while both her parents had full time good paying jobs at the South Waikato District Council. Many other students got far better markes with far higher potential (to do PhD or become a Professor) in the community and could not go because this Oppertunity was given to a candidate that already had parents who could pay for it.
Mean while the love soup kitchen people were made homeless and the building (East Bowling club) centre was demolished to the ground. See photo taken Saturday 27August 2016.
Juilei King left town in sadness at broken promises and broken commitments by council under Deputy Mayor Shattock and CEO Craig HOBBS.
And just because the people using the event centre car park were coming to Love Soup kitchen and were not the corporate type hiring the centre, at 80% rates payer subsidies, from the Deputy Mayor Jenny's sister it was pushed over. The place has been destroyed.
Julie king helped get synthetic highs out of our community and assisted in the nation wide law changes and our town bulldozed her building and pushed away the very rate payers who can not afford the 20% user pays at the sports and event centre to used it.
Was it true that Jenny's sister, as Manager of the Sports and Event Centre, felt threatened that the free uses of east bowling club was the reason the numbers were down at the sports and event centre?
Perhaps that Sports and event centre gets $300,000 subsidy a year to pay her salary from rates payers Money and the two sisters pushed the Mayor and council to push love soup away so hard they even pushed their building over? They huffed and they puffed and they blew the building over just like the she wolf in the three little pigs story. People would do the food cooking in the love soup commercial kitchen and take it to the sports and event centre. A mean streak runs through what has happened. Knocking over love soups building to herd people away from where they want to congregate. What is next for a Jenny/HOBBS council? Perhaps the football (soccer) club at Strathmore park. Strathmore park is wanted for a container port. Flat and ready for an expansion. Have you seen the new Soccor goals by the cricket club? Current governance is picking the cherries out of the parks and reserves and selling it off to leasees at the ultimate cost of public assets. Playing fast and lose with other people's assets. Experience or ENTITALMENT.
But look at Central Park in New York City. A lovely asset and so should Strathmore park become a lovely asset as the town of Tokoroa grows.
Under the current deputy mayor the 370 Ha of parks and reserves in South Wakato District are under attack. Attack to knock down historic trees and remove public spaces for pet projects and this included love soup kitchen being distroyed. Trees have gone missing and even the ones in leith place are slated to go under the axe of the current Deputy Mayor and the concocted business association for manufactured consent. Ignoring the people and forcing the issue. Well this election if you get a vote take it. Change means progress. Things either grow or decline as they never stay the same.
(I know the following as I sat in the full council and watched the full council take submissions from Pokets - this video will show what it takes to knock trees down in a park - going against 600 signed petition not wanting it as full council ignores the public will of the locals and disregards them so an election campaign can have a sound bite that pentimento housing was built. Yes build it but not on park land is what the community said.) But some supported it and for a balanced presentation here you have this video on perhaps why 600 people who objected were over looked (Councilor beings supporters views to the table in a true representative way)
Tokoroa pokie machine numbers have grown as Tirau and Putaruru pokie machine venues close down. Council is consolidating pokie machines numbers to increase in Tokoroa against the spirit of a sinking lid. The pokie machines growth are with Wendy Cook and her large pockets. Alan Blair was a club president with Pokie Machine links too as was Bill Machen all standing in this election with their hands in their pockets feeding pokie machines. It's a 33% extra tax on the community to central government on many already taxed. And the other 66% is lost from the community also with very little coming back. So love soup building gets bowled over and more pokie machines go in 79m from a child nursary which breaches the 100m minimum rule as council breaks all its own rules again tying its shoe laces together. The link to pokie machines and council has caught out a past deputy mayor of council before. So to sink the lid of pokie machines do not vote those standing to for clubs that have pokie machines. Past presidents of the Tokoroa Club are standing for Mayor and for Council. Pockets too has its representatives nominated. Crocked thinking on pokie machines clouds all other judgements. How else would the Tokoroa numbers of pokie machines go up when we have a sinking lid policy from your submissions. CEO Hobbs does not make a press release to tell you and embarrass elected members when the spirit of the policies are Abused by poor management. No it is go along to get along. What to the spouse of the mayoral Candiates think of the pokie numbers going up in Tokoroa under deputy mayor Jenny?
My questions to the mayoral Candiates
Jenny who is your spouse? What is his name?
Tracey does your husband play the digiarydoo (musical instrument known to the Auctralian Aborigonies and is made of a Ming pipe that vibrates sound with the movement of the human breath and shape of the mouth)
Alan have you been a bachelor all your life (a man who never takes a wife in the legal sense of marriage and so does not offer to the community a spouse to help with duties of the city state)
Jarrad how many children do you have (assuming a man who likes sevens rugby is the salt of the earth and as part of that would be a family man)
Note the above picture was arrange to minimised the large head size of one Candiates the South Wakato news front page news paper this week (SWN 24 August 2016 page 1.). Also it was arranged so unlike the news paper one picture is not leading the others nor a candidate at the back of the bus so to speak either by the editors of the news paper.
Let's look at these questions.
I was asked his Jarrad has a sister who works up at the TokoroaHigh School.
Good question let me find out.
I was asked if so and so was Allan's girlfriend? Well I do not know. And if that girlfriend would be beside Allan on his trips over seas to visit the sister cities. I do not know. Alan has never introduced himself and any marriage partner. But that does not mean he may not in the future. But for now the question is our as to who the First Lady would be under an Allan Mayoralty.
Tracey is married and at public events when Tracey plays the drums in music bands I have been introduced to Tracey's husband. In fact I have seen and heard his musical ability also and it is good. He can keep a beat and offer a melody on the musical instruments.
Jenny Shattock is married and has a couple of grown up sons. I have seen Jenny and her has and talking to Craig HOBBS the CEO at the kites over Tokoroa event. Holding hands and walking among the kites they look a happy couple.
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