Sunday, 28 August 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 38 Days to go till close of polls


Here is what an other candidate wrote first to me after getting the email. 

Tracy wrote in first with

"Hi Rod

I am happy to participate. I have only briefly read the email and haven't quite got my head around it - but it looks very interesting. 

I'll get back to you. 

Best regards
Tracey Deane"

Tracy was first. 

Jenny second.

 Alan's feedback had to be tracked down and asked on the street. 

Jarrad has not responded so is last in the line up of four mayoral candidates but no answer is consent so we may find his list of 26 names ranked in STV in first of all four.

So for being first let's look at Tracey again and what Tracey has written.

Now we see where the New Paper South Waikato news paraphrase Tracey with the big difference comment. It means that 10 years under Neil and Jenny knocking over the Love soup kitchen building with Craig HOBBS hand is over. 600 signatures to keep an intercity park from developers to be sold off latter will be listened to. Tracey say do Jenny and Neil enough to farmers on big farms passing their rates bills off on to the swimming pools and stopping families teaching their children to swim or big farms harmonising rates over the rural sector so that family farmers can't empty new young people to train them in their ways and instead work old men to the bone and grave taking all that wonderfull skill and equity into probate.

"We have work to do" so education times Oppertunity to the power of two equals energy

Mayor Sinclair has not been a leader when we see more pokie machines going into Pokets and Wendy Cook standing again for council to vote on the gambling legislation this term. Wendy Cook knows south waikato has a sinking Lind policy so when Tirau and Putaruru close down it is not about bringing the numbers of pokie machenies up innTokoroa what can lease afford them. Redistributed the movie machines instead into the rural milking sheds of the district indeed so if a person wants to play they can get up at 3 am in the Morning to bring the cows in and milk them and play the slots. So Mayor Niel 
Did not lead and nor did the Deputy Jenny vote against Wendy Crocked Cook's plan to disregard public policy. So all three are crooked when it comes to Pokie machine and the public policy hard won. Add in Bill Mechen as an increased vote for pokies in Tokoroa and Cocky Blair who are president of a club that gets half it operating proceeds from pokie machines. Cocky Blair or when he would come to pokies Crocked Blair too ingnoring public Policy and letting Pockets pocket more pokie machines into Tokoroa from closed down machines venues in Tirau and Putaruru.

So putting south waikato where it should be is about following public policy and shutting down Pokets for abusing the will and intent of the sinking lid policy on pokie machines in south waikato. They have broken the intent of the public policy to reduce machines in south waikato and so must atone for the wilful neglect Wendy cook shows to public policy and Gaul to stand for council for Pokets interests. That is not unquestioned loyalty nor is it selfless devotion on Wendy cook, Bill Mechen or Alan Blairs part. Who else of the 28 candidates are standing for pokie machines. Who are the money changers that Biblical Christ tossed out of the temple with the wrath we are still talking about today 2,000 years latter, so putting south waikato where it should be is about following good public policy as a council. Not weak leadership of Jenny and Neil have showed by letting Wendy Cook ask for more pokie machines into Pokets and voting more pokie machines to come to Tokoroa while reducing them in the District. The information from universities show the rich areas get rid of pokie machines as shown by machines per person and the dump them on poor people Center as shown by machines per person. At the heart of the past ten years it this insidious theme of bigger thy neibour with regressive rates the district over. Gag they critic wirh public excluded meetings is another weak leadership trait for Mayor Neil and Deputy Jenny.

"How" simple the mayor just does not put it on the agenda. If the pokie machines issue comes up the agenda misses it. If the Pockets go to court to get it one then get never ending reports showing pokie machines bigger thy brother with 33% increase in tax. 

So we are welcomed to look at linked in to find out more on experience.

Creating futures for our youth can be shown that pokie machines play not part in a community that creates futures for our youth unless playing 8 ball is a scientific endeavour that will stop cadmium accumulation on our land as super phosphate is applied to make the grass grown and will stop diary animals in 15'year time from eating that grass as it accumilates and does not wash out of the soils. If 8 ball educates our youth on the four stomachs a cow has so that animals that have one stomach like humans and horses can not come along after a cow and eat from that heavily policed soil. If 8 ball for our youth says sheep milking and making feta cheese for export is the answer for New Zealand's future or even tourism where people travel to New Zealand to sample the different sheep cheese from the different breed of animals in a home stay situation then 8 ball and pokie machines are not creating the future for our youth. Pokets decision took advantage of weak leadership around the past three years council table as farmers hushed up the environmental damage and towns folk were usurped to pokie machines to keep occupied. Shame of Mayor Neil Sinclair. A traitor to the future of youth when it comes to pokie machines. The greatest concentration of youth is not Tirau nor Putaruru where the pokie machines were lost from but concentrations of youth are in Tokoroa. And 1,000 people mainly young people left town as they vote with their feet as Mayor Sinclair lead them away with his pokie machines ignorance and contemptible atterturdes. 

Tracey will define mayor Sinclair as a Mayor of inaction if elected. Tracy just has to stop things going backwards to be ahead of Mayor Sinclair. So more of the same wirh CEO Hobbs if Governance does not change as its head.

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