Wednesday, 31 August 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 34 Days to go till close of polls

This looks at two people with legal training. Much of council governance requires good judgement. 
So well trained mines, mature experience, recognised ability, selfless devotion, and unquestioned loyalty.

Let's see how these two work in with the Tirau Deputy Mayor debates.


With Marin science degree is a big plus. Arama is from a talented family as her brother was the school teacher who coached the youth from Tokoroa school in impromptu debating to win the Lions speach competition for the whole. Of New Zealand and wins an all expenses paid trip to the USA for 6 weeks.

Both these candidates attend grass roots meetings and lend support and have a good feed with you in a social setting. This perhaps comes from being with grass roots people on a day to day work level and also being the Officer of the Court mantle with them. 

The Tokoroa Club gains support from Marin's work place for legal services at better quality for less price (when they could charge they don't)

Arama in her work has drawn up papers to support local groups that welcome new people and businesses to the South Waikato in the past and use her skills for community good.

So do you want to see these two at the Tirau hall deputy mayor debates (3) and perhaps ask Arama's brother to be an MC for the night on one of the debates as he teaches debating at Tokoroa School. So if you do wish this MC if he is available he will be most welcome to MC a night in Tirau Hall and receive a Koha for his service to good open political debate.

Now our profile today is on one of the mayoral candidates who can not work out how to STV rank deputy mayoral candidates from the 28 ward candidates. In all fairness Jenny may have misunderstood the question. Or Jenny may have been shy to say. Or Jenny already knows who her deputy mayor will be but does not want to influence his election chances. (They served together on the CEO performance committee that is made up of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and a first time cadidate)

"Like me" works with and for our community. Yes Jenny the debates in Tirau Hall are exactly that. Working with and for the community. But you opted out.
To continue to knock down the Love Soup Kitchen is not a continuance I would advocate. Leith place has three stages and is untimely so no a total rethink of the past four Mayoral Terms is needed.

Local government experience is gain by doing a political science degree at university. 

"I will find ways to make things happen" Not always what we are looking for. Ask donations for Putaruru Business awards. Hire advertisers on a radio station you manage for advertising to provide flowers for payment. Then sign up the advertiser for another term. Worked so well we now have a Tokoroa Business awards and the CEO of council was your boss at the radio station. The radio station was unhappy they lost a good man.

I do like this statement and hope any council advocates it "I will work for a safe unified district with new businesses, more jobs and more growth to provide the platform for our district where people want to come and live."

However you have not said anything about the people who already live here and like the town the way it is and Lieth Place as it it and do not want consultants telling them what to do and where to park for $21 million some say the three stages of Lieth place will finally cost. All for a coat of paint on the toilets and to prune the trees we get all the trees knocked down and the toilet demolished. 

When youth get tourism training does that mean they are part of the 700 net that left South waikato over the 5 year census period. So you want new people in and those living here out?

The environment was mentioned. The smog in Tokoroa and your 9'years at deputy mayor is as bad as ever. The team over that time you price has little or no science training or engineering training the the smog shows. So we give you a thumbs down on air quality. 

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