Thursday, 1 September 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 33 Days to go till close of polls

Let's look at the two biggest mayoral Candiates signs in the South Waikato District. (The two guys collectively are too small to see)

Road signs I mean. Not cars.

Here is an example
Close up with an inlay of the other candidates sign for comparison on composition.

And another

And with a close up and a side by side with the other candidate 

These two sign sizes are made similar in size (so the head sizes are about the same) unlike the South Waikato News who pumped up the Deputy Mayor's head, to a disproportionate size, and then sat the other candidates behind that oversized Mellon. Well in a photo shop we have such control. Remember the news paper has no competition and the legislation mandates a number of public notices Matt be printed in a new paper that goes out to at least 51% of the population. Hence the news papers are owned off shore and go out free and charge $50 for less than a nice of type (three small lines in a narrow column) 

You can see from this sign that the entrance to Tokoroa needs a hair cut. Land lord Walther Pelican who controls the enterence properties (old RSA and the junkyard emporium before you get to the hidden BP service station) needs a shave, shit and shower. The flower is obscured by two decades of weeds.

Another side by side comparison of the two largest signs in the Mayoral race (the boys together pale in comparison and will be a topic of another blog)

Now not all of South Waikato landlords leave an unkept look about the place and so we see here how a deputy mayor for nine years avoids the enterence to Tokoroa and poaches the good looking property of another when owning the entrance look of Tokoroa that has been relatively unchanged for 3 terms would be a better branding.

  When the Walter Pelican budget  enterance is photo shopped out of the photo and just the sign show we get a clear view of the Mayoral candidates face.

Both signs are on state high way one and Jenny is to the left going south. Tracey Deane is right in the same direction.

 So you decide on the appropriate hard size. Tracey Deane poster close up at the entrance of the largest township in South Waikato

Did the south waikato news make a mistake in putting the deputy mayor with a much bigger head in a line up of four candidates and stake them so the deputy was the front. Was it motivated by adversities revenue from council. And can a free news paper for waikato region be produced out of waikato university so south waikato news can offer council an alternative for posting gazetted notices? Or could a local news paper for Tokoroa be created to challenge the overseas owned south waikato news. This is a question for council in the new year.


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