Wednesday, 21 September 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 15 Days to go till close of polls

Who weeks to go before elections end and the close of polls.

What will the head lines read in two weeks on the reason Candiates lost?

Alan Blair lost the mayoral race because voters voted Alan out of council three years ago along with Brenda Watkins and Wendy Cook to try something new in Thomas Lee and Jeff Gash and Marin Glucina. These names are all competing for the same votes. Why not get a past president of the Tokoroa club in Bill Machen? So Alan in the past three years of having three years training before that on council only put up an annual submission request of $20,000 of planting for the island in Lake Moananui. Remember Alan culling the swans at the lake. I have not seen a swan in the past three years and like the swans Alan too is looking to the island for a safe haven.

Jarad Gallagher lost the Mayoral election because a new face ran last election against the incumbent and people are siding with the person who entered early and well. So next term people will look again to see if Jarad stands and to compare Jarrad to the three year term of the new Mayor. But for now it is a two horse race between the two female candidates if looked at a District wide level. At a ward level Tirau and Putararu will pass on Jarrad and leave it up to Tokoroa.

Jenny Shatock lost the Mayoral race because Tirau ward was not happy over the Community Board representation review handling. Putaruru Ward have had a mayor and now see it going to either Tokoroa Ward or Tirau Ward. Putaruru does not have a community board and have seen the information centre srink in size and so all the hand clapping for its money from Pride In Putaruru will not tell the emporor it has no cloths. Only the voters of the Putaruru ward will say they prefer siding with Tirau ward in this election and a local candidate and let Tokoroa Ward vote split four ways and removing any Tokoroa Ward advantage. Tirau Ward will decide the election wirh Putaruru and spay paining anti dog walking signs on the foot path lost Jenny Shattock the election.

Tracey Deane lost the Mayoral race because the ten big signs put up by another candidate lulled new voters and old voters to vote to act as the sign says. If voters are paint thickness deep then the election was lost on the count of ten signs. The letter box drop of an endorsement by the incumbent Mayor may show that the Mayor and past councils have things to hide and bury and at all cost will try to hood wink the voter. What is not said is millions was spent by council and borrowed by council in the 9 years that amount to $50 million dollars completely outside normal operating of a council on items like a playground for leith place. ($26 million of electric shared moved to $20 million drive fund and off councils asset books and $6 million spent on a list the Mayor put out as to why to vote the deputy. Another $13 million was borrowed and the council is $20 million in debt). The sheer enormity of the spend up and inter generational debt created over the past nine years purchased the election with lists of spending items and debt funding to get elected.

So with al these above news outcomes in two weeks which will be the reason.

And who will be the deputy mayor that goes down with each Candiates.

Vote and find out.

Put those voting papers in a safe place.

Let's leave the last word to the twentieth Candiate for the Tokoroa Ward.

This election asks if 20 Candiates for 6 places will split the Tokoroa Vote. And if it does will it also split the mayoral vote too. 

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