Let there be light.
Saturday night, for the first time, was an LED light and 12v car battery, to welcome, state highway one traffic going south.
Finally some of the scrub removed to make it clear to view. The gateway south and north is looking brighter!
A veterin voter, in his 80's, said that postal votes not as scrutinised as voting on polling day.
What does this mean.
Are we suggesting that voting on the day is a better approach than voting by post early.
So holding back my postal vote for the next 11 day and preparing to vote on the day has become my preferred method now that it has been explained.
What does this say about New Zealand as we see state owned assets sold off.
Gone are
1. Telecom
2. ...
So with such high stakes on water supply in the nation will our ballot boxes be secure?
What are your thoughts? Do we need exit polls to be with in 2% of internationally acceptable limits?
Okay let's start polling the South Waikato and encouraging people to vote on the day (8 October 2016)
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