At he Putaruru meet the Candiates night Tracey Deane who supports Tirau having a candidates night in the Tirau Hall responded tn a question about youth problems. All candidates were asked.
Alan said it was central government problem. Really Alan not the parents Alan? Central government?
Tracey Deane answered the youth require mentors and this echoed Keith Silveira before the meeting talking do mentors.
Tracey Deane (Mayor)
1.Keith Silveira
2. Rachal O'Connor
For Tirau Hall Second Debate)
Peter Schulte attended the meeting from Tirau Ward and so STV would be 1. For Deputy Mayor.
Tracey Deane (Mayor)
1. Peter Schulte
(For the Tirau Hall Deputy Debate first Debate)
Tracey Deane (Mayor)
1. Joshua Smith-Holley
2. Aroma Ngapo-Lipscombe
(For the Tirau Hall Debate third Debate)
Mayor Sinclair (SWN August 31, 2016 p.6) wrote "Last election ... South Waikato ... only had 38 per cent of eligible residents voting". More true and accurate figure is 31% as an eligible voter must be of 18 years old and enrolled to vote. How many 14-17 years old at last election have not responded to Mayor Sinclair's program to enrol on the electoral roll? 700 people net have left the district within the five year census period. Retired Auckland people are welcomed to buy a house in SW leaving predominantly young people exiting and reducing school rolls. Expletives in social media are understandable. A wrecking ball flies the council colours as it tears down the walls of Love Soup Kitchen. Mayor then follows (SWN p10) "Much of what is said on social media especially is not true or accurate." The building lays destroyed, with only an I beam denuded on the ground left, and the truth of the matter is you would protect our interests. The Social media community is thus telling the Emperor to put on his cloths and stop muddying the Blue Springs of truth he supposedly swims in.
Retuning to Tracey Deane talk to the Community and the Yoith need to write on the dream wall a dream they want to aspire to. That is followed up with mentors in that area. The Youth Expo has been cited as an example of this working. More needs to be done.
So I though about this as an adult and what would I write on the dream wall. Here is a video of what I would write on that Dream Wall of Tracey Deane.
It is A talk (click blue writing above) by Ben Cason MD, a doctor (I did an intermediate medical year at Waikato Uni and qualified for dentistry so have some extra interest in what he says)
That talk shows how the mother is the first mentor of you children. And council has a duty to not flood the district with tax taking items of alcohol, tobacco and gamping. Council regulates ventures for all three. A new Mayor must listen to the will of the community for "sinking lids " on all three.
A Dream wall Tracey puts her name to also. Tracey has Mayor on her Dream Wall.
To you hear "sinking lids". Deputy Mayor Jenny just voted more pokies machines into Pockets into Tokoroa. That shouts loud and clear that the community is not listed to on the spirit of "sinking lids" even though the letter of the law may have been addressed the spirit of the council policy is totally ignored.
Jenny's dream wall is higher taxes for south waikato community with this vote on increasing Pokie Machines for Pockets.
After the meet the Candiates meeting on Monday night if I had to rank the Candiates for Deputy Mayor from those that attended the whole night here are my three picks in STV order
1. Keith Sileira
2. Rachel O'Connor
3. Adrienne Bell
The reason for Keith is it would Compliment Tracey well. Keith Silveira set up and maintains a whole school in Putaruru that supports one of the official languages in legislation in Aotearoa- New Zealand and did so from scratch. He worked with council, via a Councilor, to make this happen for the community. A school unique in every way.
The reason for Rachel O'Connor is that Rachel is a reader. an avid reader and like Dr Carson Rachel has traveled the world with these books. Also Rachel knows why she is making a statement, a stance and taking a position.
So those are my picks from the night. Did I see the other Candiates. Now three never attended or did not stay to the end. And the other two mayoral Candiates can not be Deputy Mayor in the next term
Only Tracy Deane has supported Tirau and the Hall debate while the others declined and are resistant to it even happening.
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