A Tirau Hall debate for Tokoroa & Tirua ward Candiates is on. (Putaruru Ward sitting it out)
And who may become deputy mayor got one step closer.
Only one Mayoral Candidate stepped forward in the first Tirau Mayoral Candidate call for debates and the others have gone home to sleep and rest.
Here is the debate topic
A book on the risk of Australia's economy. As 14 of our banks are owned and run out of Australia and $17 per milk fat solid is the debt our farmers are in to these banks. Our deposits in the banks are not government guaranteed. And the seventh world largest shipping company out of South Korea just filed bankruptcy. As a district we need vision from a Mayor and a deputy mayor on how to cushion for a hard seat landing.
These debates are to share with us your vision under these circumstances.
What is this book saying firstly about the economy and how can South Waikato address the big issues in the pipeline?
(Click the above link for the information or copy and paste it into the URL line of your web browser)
It starts out
"Dear Reader,
Hi, my name is Vern Gowdie.
On August 29, 2015 I issued an urgent (and controversial) sell alert.
It was for shares in Aussie mining giant BHP Billiton.
I said then that there was ‘an extreme risk of a market correction taking down its expensive valuation.’
I was right about the correction…and about BHP. Pretty much since that very day, BHP shares have dropped 44%.
If you’d sold when I’d said, you’d have saved yourself from a 44% loss in five months.
But that wasn’t the only alert I issued that day…
The Mayoral Debates will be between the Tirau Community Board Candidates and Tracey Deane, Joshua Smith-Holley and the Tirau ward candidates (Peter Sculte, Derek Keesing, Hans Nelis)
The teams are
0. Tracey Deane
1. Joshua Smith Holley
2. Peter Sculte
3. Derek Keesing
4. Hans Nelis
1. Joke Streukens
2. Derek Keesing
3. Sharon Burling-Claridge
4. Cassandra Robinson
5. Clive Collingwood
As an aside: Remember delegation got the world into Iraq after 911.
It seems like asking question of the 28 deputy mayoral candidates is not like asking Predisent Bush for a response.
(Press the above link to watch the video)
Who is going to pay for the debates? Well the Putaruru and Tokoroa ward candidates are! (In good Donald Trump style) or from the Putaruru Business Awards or Tokoroa Business Awards (in good Hillary Clinton style with her Clinton Foundation pay to play using her office and husband and refusing Official Informstion requests for emails). Or we that turn up will put in a silver coin as public members using the hall and a gold coin from the candidates. ( in Gary Johnson and William Weld style to use the USA Presidential debates as example)
Will be the vision setter on the night. And the ward and community board Candiates will fill out two teams of five per side. Alphabetical order is used to rank the two teams with Joshua Smith-Holley being the only out of Tirau Ward Candiates to be in the debates as he used his email early and well
Joshua Smith-Holley has side stepped the pack and run the 80m for a World Cup football goal in a match that as wrong footed many of the traditional approaches to politics. Well done Joshua for leading a 28 ward Candiates out with Tracey Deane into the social media arena for the first debate in the Tirau hall.
The reason for the three debates being held in Tirau is that only in South Waikato do we have a ward with a Community Board in Tirau. Secondly the debate in the Tirau hall is designed to be put into the social media sphere so many can watch it on their smart phones via the Internet at letter times up till polls close. And thirdly any of the 28 ward candidates could become deputy mayor so let's have Tirau know who could be the Mayoral picks for Deputy Mayor before we elect a Mayor. The Deputy Mayor is such an important new role and the Mayoral ability to pick a Deputy is such a new process (without full council assent vote needed) that the whole electorate needs to have this discussion before the election so we know how Mayors' will act after the election.
And a decline to attend could have had a number of reasons for not attended however we see getting elected in Tokoroa and then be a south waikato district Councilor is clouding judgement.
So the adage of in politics bad media is better than no media. So advice to respond to the invitation this way would be to get the social media exposure that a social media news on the candidate provides.
So the email reply to the call to debate in Tirau with the four above gave this response.
Kia ora Rod
Thank you for your invitation to Tirau Hall debate and also your comment about my car. I will not be attending as my attention is on Tokoroa at this time.
But councilors are elected by ward and sworn to govern the whole district.
In a collective responsibility arrangement.
So now we have Mayoral candidate that says no thank you and we will add to them the ward candidates who say no thank you to the first debate. Remember this is a ploy to see how mayoral candidates will act in office. And we are seeking the behind the scenes away from the public eye how candidates are lining up for plumb jobs in committees after the election. This process of Tirau hall debates brings it out into the open.
And so we can add Brenda Watkins to the STV list that Jenny Shattocks team brings together with a vision of non participation community service event for ideas that come out of the community for the community by the community and need governance. No show shows much to the public. Add to this the multiplier effect of social media and we get an X-ray of the back room deals going on.
Jenny's declined and a team of other decliners are...
1. Brenda Watkins
2. Andrea Shaw Thorpe
(Wine a person responds they are asked for the times and dates not available. Like sleeping hours. Those that respond with a blanket no have not understood the question. Voting no to something you do not understand is not showing vision or governance potential. You ask for more information. A members information request.
Jarrad Gallagher
1. .?
(This person said no too. But delayed a no vote and asked for more information after he does not get the Mayoralty. It's a bit late then to ask when the horse as bolted. And so we have ward Candiates who are slow to react or want information after the election is over. Who will be candidate that have no signs up in the Tokoroa ward, Putaruru Ward and Tirau ward. Perhaps this is a good team for the last debate. A fourth debate after the election perhaps.
Yet another decline
Who wrote in an email
Thanks for the invite, I wont be able to make it.
Andrea Shaw-Thorpe
Again the position of council is for the whole district and so travel to a council controlled hall in Tirau who you are a Councilor for the Tokoroa Ward is what you do.
A better question to ask is can we have the same debate in Putaruru and Tokoroa. That is the right question as it is all about engagement. To say no is not facilitating the election process.
To say yes and can I do it over my new fiber optic cable from home on a big screen while you all are in the Tirau hall will then Pe asked of the Tirau Community Board if the hall has wifi and fiber optic to it as part of an extension from the library coverage of free internet the council must be providing to future proof out halls for relevance.
You can see how this debate is designed to snow ball and we get policy on how our halls become relevant to young residents when they want to integrated with fiber optic and a big screen in a public place.
Older folk want old folks homes. Council has built some. Young people want access to wifi in a warm, safe, dry and comfortable public location, our halls need wifi and so you can see how a debate needs this to stream live video footage.
Keep the replies coming in.
No replies will go in the split between Jarrad and Alan teams for Mayor. Andrea Shaw-Thorpe you are on Jenny's team by default. Brenda first the Andrea.
Again what we are asking for the Debate is a
1. List of times you are not available to debate (so we can match it with others times )
2. A list of 28 ward Candiates wirh your name at the top (one) and ranked as who you feel would make for good deputy mayor Candiates
3. STV the four mayoral Candiates on who has the vision for the district you most like to talk to.
This will be for the third debate
First debate will be with Tracey Dean as Mayoral Candidate and Joshua Smith-Holley for simply replying and not turning the idea down.
The second debate and third debate will be made up as response filter in.
This now needs the Tirau Community Board to be approached for help booking the hall in Tirau and hosting the deputy Mayoral debates one. As it is a social media video Oppertunity the simplest is a debate out on the car park of the Tirau hall with video cameras.
Mayoral candidate will start off with "my name is Tracey Deane and am the candidate for Mayor of South Waikato that turned up in Tirau Hall for this debate. My vision for the district is 1....
Then Joshua will stand and follow on "My name is Joshua Smith-Holley and I am standing for Council and my feelings to the vision just spoken of are...
The Mayoral candidate Tracey Deane then speakers of vision for district "district vision #2...."
And Joshua speak to that.
The full video coverage will be covers here in this blog and with a coverage that will go on the Tirau Hall page with links to email out to the whole community to watch and respond to.
The second debate will again be held in the Tirau Hall and will feature more Candiates.
The third can be manufactured from visions the candidates make and respond to on the campaign trail as well as another Tirau hall debate.
Who will rise up learning from social media to support a deputy mayor from this lot below?
The winner for participating in the first debate is
From a sign at the entrance to Tokoroa
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