Monday, 5 September 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 28 Days to go till close of polls

What would a Tirau Deputy Mayor debate looking like different from a Putaruru Deputy Mayoral debate
A candidate would speak to the vision set by the Mayoral candidate

We would see a table and chairs with an MC similar to 5th September 2016 in the Putaruru club.

We would see a Mayoral Candidate Speak to her vision for the district.

We would see the Deputy Mayor Potentials who turned up and stayed the full time listen. Of the six Putaruru ward candidates those in the photos bothered to stay the full time. Some gave apologies others left early. But for three ward positions a great line up is in photo.

Keith SILVEIRA video answering a question (click blue)
Principle of the School who thinks about the answers and got the CEO of the Bottling plant to consider with Blue Springs restoration with either money or staff time form the company that pulls water out of Putaruru for bottling. This offer was made after Keith SILVEIRA offered to look into ways the $1,000,000,000. Water Resourse rights could be better negotiated. It was like saying we are going to build a great walkway at the blue springs and the bottling plants are going to pay for it. Immediate action for a suggestion similar in tone or walk away from permitting a water take. 

Decide what is best to say when your fathers name is on the Blue Springs memorial sign.
 Rachel O'Connor speaks of her great reading ability and being able to make logical decisions from that reading. For Star Trek fans Keith was sounding like Captain Kirk for justice and Rachel was sounding like Spock for mercy. A great team of newbies both with governance experience, well trained minds, mature experience, unquestioned loyalty and Selfless devotion.

Andrea wrote a well prepared speech and read it off the paper. To time at three minutes the audience clapped loudly. This experience is what the council needs.

The video introduction may look like this

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