Below is an ordering of Mayoral and Deputy Mayoral candidates in no particular order. (Non STV and teamed up on conveinors integration with the Candiates to date.)
The idea of the second and third debate is the Mayoral candidates STV a deputy mayoral team and the ward Candiates STV the mayoral team.
These STV numbers and names then get processed so the community can see the thought processes of the Mayoral and ward Candiates.
New system from central gotv. so new ways of looking at presenting vision for the South Waikato community.
In its wisdom central government changes the rules on appointing deputies to achieve a goal.
Let's play ball. If it's not broken don't fix it. Not working then "rejuvenate it". "Experience" or synergy. "Community consultation" or dog signs painted on your footpaths then water blasted off with overhead signs replacing them to be removed from Tirau and put in Tokoroa without consultation also. "Clean up toxic dumps" or blindly let water flow into rivers?
Here are the four teams of eight people. One Mayoral and at least one candidate from each ward per team covering the whole South Waikato District.
A1.Marin Glucina;B1.Anne Groos;C1.Vivian Rikona;D1.David WAINE
A2.Arama Ngapo-Lipscombe;B2.Brian Smout;C2;Murry Robson;D2.Lea Cowley
A3.Keith Silveira;B3.Rita Beckmannflay;C3.Wendy Cook;D3.Thomas Lee
A4.Kim Egerton;B4.Gray Baldwin;C4.Adrienne Bell;D4.Sharon Clair
A5.Derek Keesing;B5.Andrea Staw-Thorpe;C5.Herman Van Rooijen;D5.Jeff Gash
A6.Amy Uluave;B6.Rachel O'Connor;C6.Brenda Watkins;D6.Bill Machen
A7.Joshua Smith-Holley;B7.Francie Theunissen;C7.Hans Nelis;D7.Peter Schulte
No particular order. No special treatment. Gradients influence by responses to emails.
A0 first to accept. C0 rudely declined (have you seen the video)
A1 Well Trained Mind, Mature Experience, Unquestionaed Loyalty, Selfless Devotion, Recognised Ability. D7. All of the above qualities in combination but will hold the Mayoral candidate's feet to the fire as a Deputy Mayor in that team. Let the vision development begin.
So the Mayoral Candiates have been to the Hall for another event.
However all the Tirau Ward Candidates (3) attended Tokoroa meeting to get a glimpse of the Mayoral candidates and to see who the other nine councillors may be. Same distance to travel.
As an aside, three years ago at the first council meeting of the year I attended in the public Gallary and observed.
Background: Tirau attracts a travel allowance for a Councilor to drive to the Tokoroa based meetings under Local Governement Rules (Putaruru Ward candidates were too close to qualify under the rules)
On the very first council meeting of the three years term three ago Deputy Mayor Jenny Shattock and mayor Neil Sinclair as Mayor and Deputy Mayor removed that right from the Tirau ward member, Terry McGill, and instead of being compensated, as was central government intention, the first act of the Deputy Mayor was to force a two hour round trip drive time of approximately 75 km trip to not be compensated and this eroded attendance at the meeting by Tirau Ward new member to the table.
Not having voted before the council said nothing when the vote was taken and it passed leaving Terry McGill feeling horribly isolated on the first day and no support registering opposition. The votes continued like that for the next four months as an agenda unknown to the new councillors was pushed aggressively. And it still continues. Ask any Councilor if they agree that the A frame and East Bowling club building should have council pay to demolish the buildings when two organisations have money to take them off site. Will the new council apologies to these new groups and compensate them $10,000 each for the time and money wasted getting the paperwork ready to move them. What happened on the first day of council continued for three years.
Not showing a grudge the Wirau Ward gave Deputy Mayor a cup of tea when she visited the Hall. Terry McGill was not there to meet her however. Lest we forget.
Rules of the game.
Mayoral candidates can order the team into any speaking order on the night.
Each mayoral candidate will speak seven times and each candidate will speak once.
Each team will have 14 speaking occasions
Over four teams that will be 56 statements of vision and how to achieve it for the district.
At one minute (including standing and sitting down time as well as walking to lecture and suffering notes - over speaking by ward candidates will take off time from Mayoral candidates
56 minutes of speaking times to present a vision and how to deliver it.
Audience will have written out questions during the night and each team will get all questions to answer. The mayoral candidate will answer 1/2 minute and call a Councilor candidate to follow up 1/2 minute. Next mayoral candidate will answer the same questions and so on.
Who would be on the A Team. Will they please stand up.
This video takes us on a tour of the strengths and weaknesses of what lays ahead for us.
One Candiate that did not stand was Bern HOBBS who has submitted to council on improving the look of the buildings in Tomoroa and South Waikato as a child walking to school past a derelict building gets that vision imprinted on its mind for a life time. So a $20,000 legal fund was created. Bern HOBBS has a vision of a hub of higher education in Tokoroa with nurse training and metallurgy training as a corner stone. Bern Hobbs can speak articulately of the history of the Greeks and the Roman. The video above is another person but sets the stage if council is to look at a rates review mentioned by Alan Blair in Tirau Hall refering to another Mayoral Candiates speech the night before in Tokoroa Sports and Event Centre.
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