Monday, 26 September 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 09 Days to go till close of polls

STV is used in our public health system to elect the Waikato DHB
Norm Barker video click here

Swimming is healthy life long.

District Health Board does not have first past the post so that only hamilton gets elected members.

This election you have Norm Barker going for a Tokoroa and South Waiakto Vote of 1 (one)

However Norm BARKER needs get elected over the 12 or so city and district waikato region onto the health board. 

Norm is running on his three terms as South Waiakto District Councillor, Two terms on Waikato Regional Council.

Only two locations in the whole waikato region invited the health board candidates to speake. South Waikato grey power and Raglan.

A $billion dollar a year annual turn over waikato DHB (compared to South Waikato Distict Council $30,000,000 annual operating budget). South Waikato is 3% of this annual turn over. And STV is DHB election system.

So the Deputy Mayor debates in Tirau hall was to see if an idea from the community could be picked up by elected members and championed.

The next and last meeting of this term South Waikato District council is Thurdsay 29 Septermber 2016.

If you are 26 of the candidates for South Waikato district council then it is the place to be from 9 am onwards.

So the current council has 6 of the current 26 standing snd could have taken the idea of the Deputy Mayor debates in the Tirau Hall and made it happen.

Also the 20 candidates could have also networked and made it happen.

The four mayoral Candiates could have also taken the lead and made it happen.

And the community also could have made it happen as could have the community board.

The point being is the explaining STV for the DHB elections by a Tirau Hall Deputy Mayor debate would have been a good education exercise and would have supported Norm Barker in his bid.

That gives me an idea. Let's call Norm. We do if we need emergency health car, a doctor or a nurse, so let's call Norm in the last nine days before the election.

Better still is if 26 Candiates standing reach out and ask norm to MC the Tirau Hall Deputy Mayor Debates held three times for social media consumption.

If Hillary and Donald will get 100,000,000 live views to set out a vision then billions of repeat views latter why can we not get a Tirau Hall debate happening on social media.

So the call goes like this.
 Ring ring.
"Hello Norm Barker here"
"Norm it is Candiate one to twenty six here"
"How can I help...."
Photo taken at 6.22am Tuesday Morning at the Tokoroa Heated Indoor pools.

I agree with one of the mayoral Candiates that covered and heated pools in Tirua, Putaruru and Tokoroa, even Arapuni, is a 8 80 rule. Good for 8 year olds and good for 80 year olds.

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