Here is an idea to employ youth in the district.
With 30% of PI youth unemployed in a nation of 15% youth unemployment in New Zealand we have to ask the question as to teaching nursing and metallurgy.
Yes these youth vote in the District elections, health board elections and regional council elections.
Youth that are not in school, training or work have increased under the Key government.
Tokotoa and south waikato is being hit with aging population and young people fleeing the Scerge of Pokie Machines. You see the younger person wants to socialise and learn from the older person. But a young person can not afford to gamble. And an older person gets retirement income regardless of means testing. So instead of investing in training youth the older population are plundering the extra money on gambling to $10 million in the Distict a year or $100 million over the past decade of Mayor Sinclair.
Money blowing away in the wind and with it the future if the youth. A CBD bylaw to ban all pokie machines in a 1km radius would go some way to address the youth unemployment as council gets to set pokie manchine policy's every three years.
Get serious this is the future of our nation we are talking about. Retired people enjoy the health care but forget that the youth are paying for it with GST and other taxes over the next 40 years while the retire are immune to local conditions because they all get paid from central government for health care and retirement income. Youth on the other hand need skills from the local area. And not getting skills is costing the country. A nation that needs nurses in future.
Not only nerses but skilled people that can fix and repair things.
They say a farmer is 10 times more important than a city person, no 100 times more important, as the farmer provides food for the city person. So in south waikato who produce food how much more important is it for the council to cut out pokie machines and get real with engaging meaningfully with our youth.
Let's here what the youth have to say and not from the eyes and hears of the retired folk who have to think back 60 years to when they were young.
It is an election of younger voters coming out to be apart of South Waikato district future.
Let's see how the two USA presidential debaters speak to younger voters as they are both entering their 70 years of age. The oldest ever to run for president.
That sign heading into town in the dark. How seen will it be to see a wind powered electric light system concil? Designed and manufactured by youth and guided by the over 35 year olds in experience?
Let's rejuvenate out town by dropping the waste of time and money pokie machines ang get real about who is paying for it and that is our youth over the next fourth years!
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