Friday, 23 September 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 12 Days to go till close of polls

Well I filled out my voting paper after the Elm gray power meet the Candiates and sealed it in the envelope ready for posting.

But after watching that YouTube videos over and a night sleep I opening the envelope up again and change one Candiate out for another. That is the power of social media.

By now you will have watched a few videos and emailed the link to a friend or family to show how your talk went. But these are now going viral. In the next 12 days what surge will take place as Facebook takes up the discussion on who will be the best deputy mayor and vote accordingly.

This voter selection of deputy mayor will take 19 candidates in Tokoroa ward and discard 13 candidates as not up to deputy mayor status.

13 people may lose $200 each. $2600 is a lot of money of the voters to just push aside from the hopefuls.

But six in Tokoroa ward will be rewarded for paying $200 and get $25,000 each year of three or a total of $75,000 for $200 down. Not bad return if we put in a 1km bylaw that forbid pokie machines in the CBD and the sinking lid was enforces both in letter and spirit. (Pockets in Tokoroa as we speak is building to increase its pokie machines by 17 or so and the voters are upset at this betray by the incumbents.

The deputy gets an extra $dollars and it is close to $56,000 per year for three years. $150,000 cash in hand for a $200 down. Better returns than the pokie machines that sees the Trees Taven taking $12,000 per week out of the punters hands every week of the year year in year out. Apply to the regional sovergn trust to get any back and it all leaves the poorest place in the region Tokoroa and heads to the wealthy towns in the Taupo general election boundary. 

A 1km pokie exclusion bylaw for the CBD would immediately get public submissions. Let's see what the local Tokoroa people really think.

I will submit that all pokie machines are house in the cow sheds of the District and if you want to play you get up at 3.30am for milking to mix in with the cow shit to pay your tax. Same number of machines just location, location, location.

This is a photo shop of two Candiates message mixed together. Let's see what other photo shop efforts the public can come up with. This is a youth technology that all should learn. Photoshop.

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