Single Transferable Voting.
Why. Because first past the post voting does not being the experience of innovators to the table.
Look at how hard the Tirau Hall Deputy Mayor Debates have been to organise with STV used in South Waikato.
Each mayoral candidates has a preferred deputy mayor out of the 26 standing for 10 places.
And the old excuse about seeing how the cards are dealt is fair but obtuse.
We all hope for a royal flush.
Well show us in the community what your best hand looks like.
Two reasons for not doing this.
Mayors say they do not know the people standing well enough.
But will interview once elected.
What about interviews before hand in public so we can see the questions asked back and forth.
The mayor gets to pick who ever. So what goes on in their heads is important to me to know before I vote.
The above is a sign showing the entrance to Tokoroa and a video of a lighting solution.
A gateway sign that defines the before (three terms) and after snap shot of what 10 years has left Tokoroa Largest town in South Waikato. Out in the dark!
New light solutions are needed.
Leith place redevelopment
Have you considered that a deal has been done with transit New Zealand to run state highway one with much wider roadways?
Would you like to know this rather than being kept in the dark.
So when we are kept in the dark over STV for deputy mayor we are signalling a continuation with no change.
So here is my STV for deputy
1. Marin Glusina
26. Brian Smout
That is if I was to pick a white European male purely on experience.
1. Vivian Rakona
26. Herman VanRooijen
This is if I was to pick a person who used fluent Te Reo Maaori
1. Joshua Smith-Holley and Amy Uluave
26. Herman VanRooijen
This is if I was to pick a person who is youthful.
You get my point.
I want to know how the mayoral Candiates assess
1. Mature experience
2. Well trained mind
3. Unquestioned loyalty
4. Recognised ability
5. Selfless devotion.
1. Jeff Gash
26. Wendy Cook
The above STV suggestion for Deputy Mayor shows my bias to vastly reduced Pokie Machines in Tokoroa. Note that is not a platform to run for Mayor on.
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