Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Django (2017) Act one Scene one

What I'd we updated western movies with Drones.

What was the progress of what we are talking about?

Well a quad copter (four motors with propeller) started around 2005-6

Flight powered 1913 AD. Wright brothers. 

Radio controlled air planes used a single clicker with a binary signal of fly strate or fly around to the left of right.

Could a raspberry pi3 be a receiver? On board? A fixed wing plane?

That is the history with Nicoli Tesla and Maxwell and radar as key mile stones in the electrical signal development.

All within the past 200 years.

And drones in the past 10'years

So let's look at a drone genera movie.

What will be fun and bring joy.

Well westerns are movies that use the power of the state.

Django (2012) used the bounty hunter to rise above the sherif and marshals.

Django (1969) uses the six shooter.

Dejango (1967) uses the machine gun.

It is force projection for right and human life that has broken the law expendable.

So Django (2017) having a drone as the technology will use it to control outlaws with smart Opperator.

Scene one act one

Drone takes odd and flies low and hard 2.1 km at 161.4 km per hour average speed recording in 5K video resolution.

The pilot is on the phone with ear bids in and microphone on the line.

Conversation introduces the hero of the film...female!

Drone flying female not being treated like a child.

A movies we see all male is King Kong (1920's) with one female.

This movie is all female with one male. 

The drone lands and delivers a stick of lipstick to a house balcony.

The drone has its battery changed and the women has been sun bathing and puts a new package attached to the drone. Like wise the phone with ear buds are in and report the drone is ready for take off.

Back at the airport the switch is flicked and this sets off the drone into auto pilot to fly back to home.

The women turns and takes the buds out of her ear and introduces the only male in the movie. The mechanical technician.

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