Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Manufacturing in New Zealand would have Trump building a wall.

The solar car race across Austrialia is a biannual affair.

Every two years 2,000km of distance is traversed with sunlight motive power.

And New Zealand inventors have been involved.

Stewart Lister is a notable New Zealander who with his second wife took a new electric motor on a new car and won their division.

Two years earlier, without this break through electric motor, Stewart Lister won another category, as a private entry, after sinking $30,000 and untold time into project.

What was this special motor you may ask that was first in the world? The smart drive washing machine motor developed and built here in New Zealand.

Old washing machines electric motors are repurposed to wind generators for do it your self buffs.

steward Lister had the motor 7-9 months before it was launched commercially.

Keeping the motor top secret he got a grant from a sponsoring power company and built a $100,000 frame around that motor to win again.

Stewart Lister was inspirational as a humble bus driver and owner of the local bus fleet in Raglan by the sea in the Wakato region of new Zelaand.

My father would hire the busses to take the junior rugby teams over to Hamilton to play on Saturday.

Stewart and his wife lived a stones throw down the hill on Steward Street in Raglan in a house he built.

I would come up with my own designs for vehicles that I considered fitted the rules and would put ideas to Sewart Lister for comment.

In later life I introduced Stewart Lister to the Chirperson of the Engineering Department at Waiakto University after asking Janis the Chair women if the new appointment of a professor could have in the job description a line that says "design and built electric vehicles" with an eye for this solar car race across Australia.

Last I checked the cars were being tested on the Tokoroa Gokart track from a team of Waikato University Students over a decade latter. 

Now that story is told to lament the loss of manufacturing of those washing machine and whitewear design and development in New Zealand. 

A minister of the crown Joyce was in the radio saying that Auckland City has manufacturing to take up the slack created by this loss to Tailand and other low wage locations with 100's of lost jobs and redundancy of supporting networks in New Zealand.

What would Presidental Trump do if sitting looking at making New Zealand First again.

Build a wall to keep in the ability of New Zealand to be completely selfsufficent. 

The wall would get 10 feet higher if low waged economies refused to pay for it.

And the wall would block illegal trusts using New Zealand as a tax Haven.

What else would Trump bring back to New Zealand if his presidency was supported in the process?

1. Top three of OECD NZ1st
2. Rutherford spirit and design and develop thorium 90Th232 power using the local iron sands rear earth minerals as a byproduct
3. People coming to New Zealand were second in line to monarchy in Europe and feared for their lives from their older sibling.

Well done Stewart Lister a winner for New Zealand.

Question for Steven Joyce and his cabinet. "Where in Auckland City is manufacturing that is not chocked by traffic gridlock and where can bright young scientist, managers and governance buy a house?"

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