Sunday, 10 April 2016

Google Code Jam April 2016

Python was my preferred programming language this year April 2016 for the google code jam.

Raspberry Pi3 was my platform for programming with Raspian.

The 27 hour jam started 11am New Zealand time on Saturday and 11 hours after this at 10pm I submitted my first answer as I was away all day with family in Hamilton and only returned after dark.

Of the four question I have easy understanding what is asked. 

My challenge is learning the Python code to a level to read the input file and produce an out put file.

Last year at the Google code jam 2015 I used Python on the iPad for the first time and found Google had not the ability to upload the code from an iPad.

Fascinating thing was that Google had not beta tested its platform for 100's million smart phones.

And the App Store for apple only had a Python programming app four months before.

So all this was new as was using raspberry Pi.

That is what makes this code jam so fun for me in experimenting with new hardware.

Weak on code I look at hardware platforms that are distinctive and unique to be my point of difference.

This year at the global gaming jam 2016 I was able to challenge the GGJ2016 website for the same reason of not interacting with the iPad.

Just recently for a conference abstract I have found wolfram alpha also has iPad interface issues.

In other words the main steam is a PC with screen, keyboard, mouse and CPU. Not touch screen.

So why the raspberry Pi this year and not Python on the pad you ask.

Well it was more to do with the joy I have been having with my three raspberry Pi B+ model 1, 2, &3

In fact my set up was screen, keyboard, and mouse connected to pi3 with an iPad Air playing a video tutorial next to the screen.

Open was Raspian operating system with Python 2 and Python 3 as options for the programming environment.

My leaning this year was to split the screen in two half with terminal open in the right and Python open on the left.

I would write code on the left side area and save it. Then run it in the right side area in terminal.

The iPad effectively made a third screen where I would run YouTube.

The screen did have a second HDMI cable that I had a second Pi2 connected up if need be.

Sound fun?

And I score the same 2016 as last year 2015 google gaming jam.

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