Sunday, 17 April 2016

Unintended Consequences

Many things in life are counter intuitive.

Take for example the three quakes in the bosionic and fermionic make up of the physical reality of the observable world humans see.

Take for example the three quakes in the bosionic and fermionic make up of the physical reality of the observable world humans see.

Background from Wikipedia.

"A fermion can be an elementary particle, such as the electron, or it can be a composite particle, such as the proton. According to the spin-statistics theorem in any reasonable relativistic quantum field theory, particles with integer spin are bosons, while particles with half-integer spin are fermions."


"fermion is any particle that has an odd half-integer (like 1/2, 3/2, and so forth) spin. Quarks and leptons, as well as most composite particles, like protons and neutrons, are fermions.

For reasons we do not fully understand, a consequence of the odd half-integer spin is that fermions obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle and therefore cannot co-exist in the same state at same location at the same time."

"Bosons are those particles which have an integer spin (0, 1, 2...).

All the force carrier particles are bosons, as are those composite particles with an even number of fermion particles (like mesons)."

"The nucleus of an atom is a fermion or boson depending on whether the total number of its protons and neutrons is odd or even, respectively. Recently, physicists have discovered that this has caused some very strange behavior in certain atoms under unusual conditions, such as very cold helium."

Helium has a boson nucleus (two neutrons and two protons), so it does not ever crystallize, even when cooled to almost absolute zero. It becomes a "superfluid," which is a liquid with strange properties such as having zero viscosity and no surface tension. We will probably discover other strange properties of atoms with boson nuclei in the future.

So you can see that the world we live in is going to be a strange place as the parts that make up this world negotiate strange colours and spins.

So back to Uninteded Consequences. When a human puts up their hand for a job or an elected office this rearranges the atoms in the world in unique ways.

Take for example the KFC brand. Kintucky Fried Chicken. The investor of the process of deep frying a battered chicken in a pressure cooker of fat was a new process that produced a hygienic quick and tasty meal we love and enjoy today if not a vegan.

But this same inventor was a cook in the war at the Manhaton project where it was a secret the work on the fission process of uranium. 

What of the technology of what the silent engineers rubbed off on a cook who then invented a pressure cooker that fried chicken in super quick time.

When next you stop at the Tokoroa KFC please give a thought for this suggestion.

Unintedied Consequences work in other ways also. 

In New Zealand we have been going through change for 🙈🙉🙊 680 million years.

The bird life has diminished in the past 2,000 years as the trees have been cut back to feed grass to cows and sheep. Before that the only mammals in New Zealand were those that could fly. Bats. And those that could float, humans. But mechanisation has reduced the bird life from a deafening roar to the science of a 1080 poison drop area.

Uninteded consequences also happens in the political sphere. Just the other day I turned up to council to sit in the public gallery to find that the meeting was held one year ago in the 15th April 2015. When I quizzed the staff how anyone from the public can even attended a meeting from the information on the website I was told by the CEO Craig Hobbs that in 4 months a new system will be put in place to address that and they were woeking on it now.

I said that that was not good enough and that a lot of strange things has happened over the last decade.

I got an email latter on that day to say that there was in fact a page on the website with calander information and the information I was seeking was there. Now thre are three people who know and trust what is no in South Waikato District Council. What sound then 24,000 other people and the rest of the world?

Point being is that if I had not tuned up for a meeting held a year earlier (which at the time I also attended.) we would not be talking and reading about this on the blog this morning and you would not be going off to see how easy a public meeting is to attended in your neck of the woods (a term for where you live.)

Uninteded Consequences was that by turning up for that meeting the CEO Craif Hobbs now fully understands just how out of touch the council he helms is out of touch electronically with the public he serves. His face changed at that moment and from being adversarial he showed contrician. He had see the error of the ways of the past decade under a governance decline that had left the community completely cut off from the very body that is in charge to serve and protect.

Uninteded consequences is that a semi competent mayor can now step forward into this breach and make a good fist of it.

So who are the candidates in this race. And why is it important to read and understand what is happening.

Well at certain times and uncertain locations in the world things happen that then sweep the planet and go out into the solar system as we go from a type zero to type one, 2 or 3 world. (Civilisation)

"Class M is a fictional classification for planets and planetoids in the Star Trekscience fiction media franchise. The term is explained in-universe as deriving from the Vulcan term "Minshara".[1]
Their atmospheres are composed of nitrogen and oxygen and have an abundance of liquid water necessary for carbon-based life to exist. Extensive plant and animal life often flourishes; often, a sentient race is also present. Earth is a textbook example of a Class M world; other Class M planets that appear throughout the franchise include VulcanCardassia PrimeBajorBetazedRomulusFerenginarQo'noS, and Nibiru." Ref Wikipedia.

"The Kardashev scale is a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement, based on the amount of energy a civilization is able to utilize directed towards communication.[1] The scale has three designated categories called Type III, and III. A Type I civilization is able to utilize and store energy available from its neighboring star which reaches their planet, Type II is able to harness the energy of the entire star (the most popular hypothetic concept being the Dyson sphere—a device which would encompass the entire star and transfer its energy to the planet), and Type III civilization are in control of energy on the scale of their entire host galaxy.[2] The scale is hypothetical, and regards energy consumption on a cosmicscale. It was first proposed in 1964 by the Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev. Various extensions of the scale have been proposed since, from a wider range of power levels (types 0, IV and V) to the use of metrics other than pure power."

So won't it be nice to have a policatical candidate that has introduced me to the above understandings.

What Uninteded consequences will we see in a mayoral race that has electric cars advertising the policatical space. Electric cars. Will we see a candidate that is not a hybred car but a true tesla. Will Elon Musk turn up to cut the ribbon of the new tesla car fabrication plan here in Tokoroa New Zealand?  (Uninteded consequences of joking around are?)

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