Thursday, 29 September 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 05 Days to go till close of polls

Be ready for new apps on smart phones for council notices

This video had communications manager presenting to full council for money. ( <--- click here for video to play)

And the air port delays, for the international model park, mount like a constipated geriatric.
The saying "kick for touch" comes to mind as Mayor Sinclair runs the clock out on that last chance for a delisted airfield.  A summer of increased revenue for council from the community assets, the airfield, as delisting the airfield still let's locals take off and land full sized aircraft and delisting the airfield  makes it legal for 14,000 Tokoroa residents to open a drone, as a gift, and fly in the local council parks, like you can in Hamilton, Rotorua, Taupo, and the other proactive councils that see the future and educate the young, and embrace the new technology of drone flying as a career path where some pilots of the models get paid more than the Mayor at $150,000 pa.
Here is the interview with the proponent of the International Model park before the full council meeting unfolded to see the staff obfuscate to the clear direction from  governance at last meeting chaired by Herman Van Roojien to get on with it. Annual leave taken, redundant second opinions sought, the mayor happy to stand and be called out knowing he had run the clock out on a protential Mayoral Candidate and thus starving the oxygen from the air of competition with his endorsed candidate. (What happened to the rank and station being independent when in office as Mayor or President of the United States)

(Click here to play video ->)
Interview over airfield above.

If this happens to one promoting such a simple jobs creation and skills aquisition idea then what would happen with the past council with setting up a 200 person Abattoir? 

Cr Thomas Lee asked at the meeting for reason that these 200 jobs from the drive trust money, $24 million, did not go ahead. CEO cited "Public access" as a reason it fell over, among other reasons, and wanted it hushed.

I hope none of the sitting Councilors apply for the Management position created when the $24,000,000 of the Drive Trust gets merged with the South Waikato Investment fund trust that will happen over the next four month. 

We, as a community in South Waikato, would not want to see a hedge of council funds for a back door golden parachute if any of the elected members are not elected at this round of local body elections. 

If you feel strongly about no councilors taking up this management position to promote the Distict and create jobs then please write to the new mayor of south waikato district council and voice your concerns.

We do not want to see perceived contingency planning, by some elected members, taking priority over public benefits like delisting the airport do we. 

I have drafted my letter. 

Titled transparency. 

The video footage of the meeting is to keep elected members accountable and it is elected members job to keep the CEO accountable. 

A break down with staff on any matter directly reflects on elected members 100%. 

No wriggle room. 


It is up to the CEO to protect his hide and if any room left after this then the hide of the community. 

And it is elected members to take that advice but if elected members find the CEO misleads council and does not stop staff misleading then elected members must make consequences for the CEO.

Council, in its decisions, then and always is 100% responsibility for CEO's actions. (Like demolition of the east bowling club and selling the I beam left over. Show the resolution from council that mandates the distraction of the east bowling club that the CEO acted upon. You have seen the video of the report of the CEO back to a bewildered Cr Thomas Lee fielding members information request as to why the A frame was destroyed too)

Responsibility rests with elected members.

The sanction, of dismissing the CEO, is the ultimate sanction elected members only have. The reigns to pull up a wayward staff is that should happen over the east bowling club or any other matter the community brings to the table like spraying weeds and nicely planted trees.

 The ultimate remedy, for elected members, to gather control, over the CEO, is to reenforce that the CEO only act on resolution from full council to that affect. Where was it that a community building, in east bowling club, was to be demolished just days before the parties moved them to new sites. 

Has the council been misled over the airfield? 

Mr Simpson makes an eloquent case for council being miss lead on many points of fact over a long period of time about the airfield. 

You be the judge. 

Public opinion. 

Elections and ballot box is your way to get accountability for the CEO actions and staff. 

Will we have an international model park this summer? 

Ask the new mayor!

Only elect members who take 100% responsibility for what happens out of council.

Those that say they rely on the advice of staff are wrong. (The staff advice the CEO and the CEO advises the full council only. Spending the responsibility to 150 council staff and 47 cars is why the east bowling club got squashed and the love soup kitchen got frog marched off by the scruff of the neck from the sports and event centre car park. 

Show us the elected members resolution to do this. Their is not. So why did it happen. Don't like it then don't elect. 

The next mayor first order of business may be to take the cost of the love soup kitchen building and the A frame out of the CEO pay over the next three years. Why should the community suffer the loss when the CEO was totally responsible for the demolition decision. Because if you can not find a resolution from full council to say demolish it was a unilateral decision.

And the Councilors of the new elected body must make recompense of the love soup kitchen the number one agenda item.

If heads are going to roll then day one is the best time.

Justice must be done and seen to be done. One head rolling means 149 keep theirs.

No heads rolling means all 150 take not responsibility for any actions taken outside council resolution and that is what we have with love soup.

Elected members can move onto the international model park at the airfield agenda number two.

When I say heads roll I mean the coins are pushed across the table to pay for the damage done. (A group of youth smashed school Windows in the weekend reported by south waikato news and a few $1,000 damage. The CEO destroyed $200,000 worth of buildings without a resolution from council to do so and love soup are homeless feeding the homeless and that included smashing all the windows of love soup east bowling club). So pay up to keep your job is my public submission. We all ,are mistakes and these youth are no different from the CEO. They have families to go home to at night. Individually we can be compassionate but justice must not be. The rule of law applies to all. Whoever breaks a glass window deliberately with ill intent must be held to account. And pay a small atonement by rolling coins from one side of the table to the other side for the aggrieved party to capture.

Let the new elected council take full responsibility for the loss of love soup and honour the pledges made by the then mayor and then deputy mayor on behalf of the council. 

Audit and risk committee chair (left) will be back next term and advise on setting this agenda concerning the CEO (right).

In the last week lets get the four mayoral candidates weighing into this matter and the 26 potential deputy mayors taking a position in this matter. Email them now for a reply and forward them to me for feed back. This can be treated as a hypothetical exercise if you like and the opinions above are my honest opinions with the limited facts I have to hand. Full council will have the power to get at the full suit of facts. I am asking for more information (community information request if you like). And elected members to champion it and deliberate and decide. But it must first be an agreed agenda item put up by the new Mayor. So ask them now. Voting closes at the end of the day Saturday week. 

Seems from these staff comments and elected members support that the love soup kitchen was in the way of the sports and event centre (watch quick minute video on enterence 2017 here-->)

South Waikato 2016 Election special 06.5 Days to go till close of polls (click here to watch the full presentation video)

Terry Fergusson takes time out of his day to reset council priorities.

An hour of interview before the handover a Terry filled in "between the two ferns" and we talked about art for arts sake and Bruce Simpson (the fifth mayoral Candiate) and talked about "science for science sake" and I summed it up as "politics for politics sake"

Three of the four mayoral candidates were in the room. Jarrad Gallagher was absent.

I hope this does not breach copyright Terry but by putting this on permanent loan, to give back what Tokoroa has given the Bushman's son, we are reminded that it is about relationships between people that capture what is the essence of life.
I think I played cricket with your nephew looking at the resemblance of this photo and the penny dropping to the name.

The highlight was asking Marin if it would be okay if the council's guest who was donating a million dollar painting suit had a cup of tea and then asking Terry "would you like a cup of tea?" "I am parched" he replied. Then opening the door and passing the guest into hands of the Thomas Lee and one other.

Three Mayoral Candiates (Alan Blair (left), Tracey Deane (middle), and (right) withdraw candidate Bruce Simpson, as Terry Fergusson takes his seat after presenting his art work.

The handshake initiation.

It was the last meeting of full council for this term. One of the three mayoral Candiates in the room (Alan Blair, Tracey Dean, and Jenny Shattock) will be Mayor in a week. (I could be wrong)

And council business video over $24 million now central government is not going to amalgamate outside of Auckland city.

Compliments to candidate Kim (in fore ground next to Mayoral Candidate for attending the final meeting of full council for the year.

 Alan Blair reads agenda from back of the room next to two new staff members.


Elected members being independently chaired in the Audit and Risk committee.

Auditors report delivered.

Mayoral candidate and two Tokoroa ward candidates. 

Again lovely art work

Interview before the presentation

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 06 Days to go till close of polls

Video of Leith Place with the clock
Clock stopped at 12 noon or midnight or it was staged to be that time by council staff.

Why is the clock stopped at 12 when it is eleven minutes passed eight am on Wednesday 28th September 2016 (0811hr)

Where to find the press to ask this question?
Now council meeting starts in 4 hours time in the Tokoroa upstairs council chambers open to the public. It is your rate take and the vote is taken in that chamber.

I will give an update to this blog when more information comes in. But it is your clock that has stopped and I want to know where to go on line to find out about the clock?

And the fail of the week on the internet put this into perspective

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 07 Days to go till close of polls

Council meeting tomorrow (Thursday 29th) here is some of the agenda

So calling all candidates. 

Do any of the Mayoral nominees want to do an interview "between two ferns" style.

Here is how Hillary Clinton interview went on 22 September 2016

I met with a another 80 year old today and asked about the election. He said he voted by post before he even realised that Jarrad Gallagher was running.

This tells me that waiting to polling day is a good idea as is attending council meeting from the public gallery.

I hope to see you there. I will aim to be there around 9 am for interviews.

I will being two ferns:-)!

Highlights from the minute

6. Reports
6.1 Mayoral Report

His Worship advised that he and the Chief Executive recently hosted a visit from Malcolm Alexander, the Chief Executive from LGNZ. Malcolm Alexander was shown various economic initiatives around the district. Mr Alexander commented that he was very impressed with the Road Rail Terminal and the Waiariki Training Institute and also commented that he liked the positive feeling in Tokoroa.

Productive on-going meetings have been held with Raukawa. These are primarily to do with the management and co-governance of Te Waihou.

His Worship met with Michael West a local policeman about recognising the amount of family violence and his desire to start co-ordinating a community response to family violence.

Council made a submission to the LGNZ amendment bill and His Worship attended the hearing in Auckland on the 22nd of August. The submission was well received. The select process is now over and it will come back into the house in November.

16/197 Resolved His Worship / Cr Lee

That Report No 2016385431 Mayoral Report August 2016 be received. 

8. Public ExcludedResolution to Exclude the Public

The Public Excluded meeting is to be held at the conclusion of the Audit & Risk committee meeting.

Section 48, Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

16/200 Resolved Cr Van Rooijen / Cr Shattock

That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows: 

Document Information

Report To: Meeting Date: Author: Author Title: Report Date:

Purpose of Report

Thursday, 29 September 2016 N Sinclair
Tuesday, 20 September 2016


This report is for information purposes only.
To inform Councillors of appointments and fund allocations undertaken during the month.


The issues discussed in this report are aligned with the Council vision, community outcomes and Council policies but are currently not included in the Council Strategy.

Wednesday 31 August

Met with Henry Clothier

Saturday 3 September

Attended Jim Higgins Memorial Plaque Unveiling at Lake Moananui

Monday 5 September

Met with Jo Manthey & Rachel Jackson

Tuesday 6 September

Attended Waihou Co-Governance meeting at Raukawa

Wednesday 7 September

Attended South Waikato Social Sector Trial Transition meeting

Thursday 8 September

Chaired Council meeting
Attended Audit & Risk Committee meeting
Attended Corporate & Regulatory Committee meeting

Friday 9 September

Attended Raukawa FM's 25th Anniversary

Saturday 10 September

Attended Cook Island Dance
Council - 29 September 2016 - Agenda Public 11

Met with Janice and Dean from University of Waikato re Pathways to Excellence Programme Attended Camping Group meeting with WINZ
Met with Amanda Hema re Trade Training

Wednesday 21 September

Attended Grants Allocation/Creative Communities Scheme Hearings Attended South Waikato Social Sector Trial Advisory meeting Attended South Waikato Achievement Centre AGM

Thursday 22 September

Attended LGNZ Zone 2 meeting in Whakatane

Mayoral Funding:

Tokoroa Amateur Swimming Club SWPIC
St Pauls Methodist Church
Putāruru College

Tokoroa High School
Forest View High School
Te Wharekura O Te Kaokaoroa O


Swimming programme ADH children National Cook Islands Dance Competition Project for elderly
Senior Prizegiving
Senior Prizegiving
Senior Prizegiving
Senior Prizegiving

$440.00 $500.00 $400.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 


South Waikato 2016 Election special 08 Days to go till close of polls

Here is an idea to employ youth in the district.

A simple windmill idea.

That looks great.

With 30% of PI youth unemployed in a nation of 15% youth unemployment in New Zealand we have to ask the question as to teaching nursing and metallurgy.

Yes these youth vote in the District elections, health board elections and regional council elections.

Youth that are not in school, training or work have increased under the Key government. 

Tokotoa and south waikato is being hit with aging population and young people fleeing the Scerge of Pokie Machines. You see the younger person wants to socialise and learn from the older person. But a young person can not afford to gamble. And an older person gets retirement income regardless of means testing. So instead of investing in training youth the older population are plundering the extra money on gambling to $10 million in the Distict a year or $100 million over the past decade of Mayor Sinclair.


Money blowing away in the wind and with it the future if the youth. A CBD bylaw to ban all pokie machines in a 1km radius would go some way to address the youth unemployment as council gets to set pokie manchine policy's every three years.

Get serious this is the future of our nation we are talking about. Retired people enjoy the health care but forget that the youth are paying for it with GST and other taxes over the next 40 years while the retire are immune to local conditions because they all get paid from central government for health care and retirement income. Youth on the other hand need skills from the local area. And not getting skills is costing the country. A nation that needs nurses in future. 

Not only nerses but skilled people that can fix and repair things.

They say a farmer is 10 times more important than a city person, no 100 times more important, as the farmer provides food for the city person. So in south waikato who produce food how much more important is it for the council to cut out pokie machines and get real with engaging meaningfully with our youth.

Let's here what the youth have to say and not from the eyes and hears of the retired folk who have to think back 60 years to when they were young.

It is an election of younger voters coming out to be apart of South Waikato district future.

Let's see how the two USA presidential debaters speak to younger voters as they are both entering their 70 years of age. The oldest ever to run for president. 

That sign heading into town in the dark. How seen will it be to see a wind powered electric light system concil? Designed and manufactured by youth and guided by the over 35 year olds in experience?

Let's rejuvenate out town by dropping the waste of time and money pokie machines ang get real about who is paying for it and that is our youth over the next fourth years!

Monday, 26 September 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 09 Days to go till close of polls

STV is used in our public health system to elect the Waikato DHB
Norm Barker video click here

Swimming is healthy life long.

District Health Board does not have first past the post so that only hamilton gets elected members.

This election you have Norm Barker going for a Tokoroa and South Waiakto Vote of 1 (one)

However Norm BARKER needs get elected over the 12 or so city and district waikato region onto the health board. 

Norm is running on his three terms as South Waiakto District Councillor, Two terms on Waikato Regional Council.

Only two locations in the whole waikato region invited the health board candidates to speake. South Waikato grey power and Raglan.

A $billion dollar a year annual turn over waikato DHB (compared to South Waikato Distict Council $30,000,000 annual operating budget). South Waikato is 3% of this annual turn over. And STV is DHB election system.

So the Deputy Mayor debates in Tirau hall was to see if an idea from the community could be picked up by elected members and championed.

The next and last meeting of this term South Waikato District council is Thurdsay 29 Septermber 2016.

If you are 26 of the candidates for South Waikato district council then it is the place to be from 9 am onwards.

So the current council has 6 of the current 26 standing snd could have taken the idea of the Deputy Mayor debates in the Tirau Hall and made it happen.

Also the 20 candidates could have also networked and made it happen.

The four mayoral Candiates could have also taken the lead and made it happen.

And the community also could have made it happen as could have the community board.

The point being is the explaining STV for the DHB elections by a Tirau Hall Deputy Mayor debate would have been a good education exercise and would have supported Norm Barker in his bid.

That gives me an idea. Let's call Norm. We do if we need emergency health car, a doctor or a nurse, so let's call Norm in the last nine days before the election.

Better still is if 26 Candiates standing reach out and ask norm to MC the Tirau Hall Deputy Mayor Debates held three times for social media consumption.

If Hillary and Donald will get 100,000,000 live views to set out a vision then billions of repeat views latter why can we not get a Tirau Hall debate happening on social media.

So the call goes like this.
 Ring ring.
"Hello Norm Barker here"
"Norm it is Candiate one to twenty six here"
"How can I help...."
Photo taken at 6.22am Tuesday Morning at the Tokoroa Heated Indoor pools.

I agree with one of the mayoral Candiates that covered and heated pools in Tirua, Putaruru and Tokoroa, even Arapuni, is a 8 80 rule. Good for 8 year olds and good for 80 year olds.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 10 Days to go till close of polls video of making a light for a sign.
STV is being talked about in Auckland 

Single Transferable Voting.

Why. Because first past the post voting does not being the experience of innovators to the table.

Look at how hard the Tirau Hall Deputy Mayor Debates have been to organise with STV used in South Waikato.

Each mayoral candidates has a preferred deputy mayor out of the 26 standing for 10 places.

And the old excuse about seeing how the cards are dealt is fair but obtuse.

We all hope for a royal flush.

Well show us in the community what your best hand looks like.

Two reasons for not doing this.

Mayors say they do not know the people standing well enough.

But will interview once elected.

What about interviews before hand in public so we can see the questions asked back and forth. 

The mayor gets to pick who ever. So what goes on in their heads is important to me to know before I vote.

The above is a sign showing the entrance to Tokoroa and a video of a lighting solution. 

A gateway sign that defines the before (three terms) and after snap shot of what 10 years has left Tokoroa Largest town in South Waikato. Out in the dark!

New light solutions are needed.

Leith place redevelopment 

Have you considered that a deal has been done with transit New Zealand to run state highway one with much wider roadways?

Would you like to know this rather than being kept in the dark.

So when we are kept in the dark over STV for deputy mayor we are signalling a continuation with no change.

So here is my STV for deputy

1. Marin Glusina
26. Brian Smout

That is if I was to pick a white European male purely on experience.

1. Vivian Rakona
26. Herman VanRooijen 

This is if I was to pick a person who used fluent Te Reo Maaori

1. Joshua Smith-Holley and Amy Uluave
26. Herman VanRooijen 

This is if I was to pick a person who is youthful.

You get my point.

I want to know how the mayoral Candiates assess
1. Mature experience
2. Well trained mind
3. Unquestioned loyalty
4. Recognised ability
5. Selfless devotion.

1. Jeff Gash
26. Wendy Cook

The above STV suggestion for Deputy Mayor shows my bias to vastly reduced Pokie Machines in Tokoroa. Note that is not a platform to run for Mayor on.

Saturday, 24 September 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 11 Days to go till close of polls

Let there be light. 
Saturday night, for the first time, was an LED light and 12v car battery, to welcome, state highway one traffic going south.
Finally some of the scrub removed to make it clear to view. The gateway south and north is looking brighter!

A veterin voter, in his 80's, said that postal votes not as scrutinised as voting on polling day.

What does this mean. 

Are we suggesting that voting on the day is a better approach than voting by post early.

So holding back my postal vote for the next 11 day and preparing to vote on the day has become my preferred method now that it has been explained.

What does this say about New Zealand as we see state owned assets sold off.

Gone are

1. Telecom
2. ...

So with such high stakes on water supply in the nation will our ballot boxes be secure?

What are your thoughts? Do we need exit polls to be with in 2% of internationally acceptable limits?

Okay let's start polling the South Waikato and encouraging people to vote on the day (8 October 2016)

Friday, 23 September 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 12 Days to go till close of polls

Well I filled out my voting paper after the Elm gray power meet the Candiates and sealed it in the envelope ready for posting.

But after watching that YouTube videos over and a night sleep I opening the envelope up again and change one Candiate out for another. That is the power of social media.

By now you will have watched a few videos and emailed the link to a friend or family to show how your talk went. But these are now going viral. In the next 12 days what surge will take place as Facebook takes up the discussion on who will be the best deputy mayor and vote accordingly.

This voter selection of deputy mayor will take 19 candidates in Tokoroa ward and discard 13 candidates as not up to deputy mayor status.

13 people may lose $200 each. $2600 is a lot of money of the voters to just push aside from the hopefuls.

But six in Tokoroa ward will be rewarded for paying $200 and get $25,000 each year of three or a total of $75,000 for $200 down. Not bad return if we put in a 1km bylaw that forbid pokie machines in the CBD and the sinking lid was enforces both in letter and spirit. (Pockets in Tokoroa as we speak is building to increase its pokie machines by 17 or so and the voters are upset at this betray by the incumbents.

The deputy gets an extra $dollars and it is close to $56,000 per year for three years. $150,000 cash in hand for a $200 down. Better returns than the pokie machines that sees the Trees Taven taking $12,000 per week out of the punters hands every week of the year year in year out. Apply to the regional sovergn trust to get any back and it all leaves the poorest place in the region Tokoroa and heads to the wealthy towns in the Taupo general election boundary. 

A 1km pokie exclusion bylaw for the CBD would immediately get public submissions. Let's see what the local Tokoroa people really think.

I will submit that all pokie machines are house in the cow sheds of the District and if you want to play you get up at 3.30am for milking to mix in with the cow shit to pay your tax. Same number of machines just location, location, location.

This is a photo shop of two Candiates message mixed together. Let's see what other photo shop efforts the public can come up with. This is a youth technology that all should learn. Photoshop.

South Waikato 2016 Election special 13 Days to go till close of polls

Waikato District Health Board went before the Mayoralty Candidates
Dave mcpherson
Mayoralty candidates

Video of Ward candidates

Thursday, 22 September 2016

South Waikato 2016 Election special 14 Days to go till close of polls

The winner of the Deputy Mayor debate award from yesterday meet the candidates.
Sharon Clair

Waikato Region tops by Grey Power meeting of candidates at Elm Church

Waikato District Healthboard candidates spoke with ward candidates preceding them. 

and South Waikato Mayoral candidates (video to follow in another blog tomorrow #13)

Below is the order of speaking on the day. 1st to 24th. Speaking order was  picked randomly by Grey Power beforehand and these video show that order. The ward candidates followed by health Board candidates. (Not the videos of the four mayoral candidates will follow tomorrow in blog)

One mayoral Candiate alluded to the other mayoral candidate breaking the rules of grey power six questions by reading a prepared script. (I must admit that I have heard the same speach repeated that last three times I have recorded the mayoral talks from this Candiates)

Should a Mayoral candidate win an election from broadcasting the same speach to each group? Well it shows the candidate is "scripted". Who then is writing the script? And has that person shown this pattern in the past. Regardless of the feedback you get the same script? Other people influencing the script. So a good keen comment from one Candiate about another. Will either of these candidate win because of these critical point?

The other two Candiates speak to the points ask for in questions. Will they will by being responsive to the needs of the community! 

Those four videos are the last four videos above. 

Who would have made a good deputy mayor from yesterday's talk! Well Sharon Clair was my pick. Here it that video.
The key to this was the vision Sharon talked about was the vision agreed by the community in the 10 Year Long Term Plan. This was identified and then this vision was analysed and then this vision was spoken to an elaborated. Well done to this Candiates for winning the deputy mayor title from this round of debates.

You see the Mayor may have a vision but this takes a process of the 10 year planning process to synthesis the community vision. And this is published. What Sharon Clair was able to do in her speach was to highlight this vision from past documents and the bring it to the meeting and answer the Grey Power questions around it. 

To think that 26 ward candidates have been approaching this topic for weeks now and one Candiates scoots to the top of the class and shows head and shoulders ability to stand out as deputy mayor candidate. 

This deputy mayor Candiate is not reading a prepared script and not ignoring the gey powers questions. 

This also show that if this deputy mayor should become mayor that the policies and procedures of council, as set out in the ten year aspirational plan, will be kept! Honest and integrity to the plan which is key.

Will that last video win the Mayoral debate? (Note that the very last video is a raffle draw.)